How to budget money, So many 20 somethings I meet have zero clue how to budget and handle money well.
How to budget money, So many 20 somethings I meet have zero clue how to budget and handle money well.
I’m almost positive that the dance partners on this show are contractually obligated to have sex with each other.
You’re going to be sooo strong :P
I don’t trust reviews that mentions the words “an honest review” or “a fair and honest review” since that seems to be a disclaimer paid reviewers have to include. Unfortunately, there are a lot of products on Amazon that have nothing but 5 star fake reviews. I hope these companies will start to realize the practice of…
I had no idea that this was a thing and will continue my life as if it were not a thing.
The only reason it’s tricky is because the calculation for the FICO score isn’t published. Of course it’s proprietary, but it’s frustrating that I can’t know the details of something that has such a profound affect on my life.
I texted my gay dad who is also a former worship leader and a huge Idol fan to get his thoughts on this - he agrees
I do not doubt that Jordan is the world’s biggest Celine Dion fan.
Bob: I brought some whiskey!
Complete heresy to waste whiskey on a fire. Yes even cheap whiskey.
There’s plenty of legitimately good bourbon in the $30-$50 range, which isn’t much more than shitty sub-$20 bourbon. Heck, my daily drinkers are typically less than $30 and definitely do not need any doctoring to make them palatable.
If you use stainless steel screws they won’t rust. I don’t think the rusted look would work well here.
Probably sales-related. You and I and most people who use it love it, but it’s kinda expensive and the profit margin for Logitech may not have been high enough.
If VLOOKUP wasn’t a thing, my company would crumble. It is the single most useful thing I learned at my current job.
I have the triple outlet retractable reel too. It is an indispensible tool in the garage and I highly recommend it. The nice thing about most garages is that they have an extra electrical outlet in the ceiling (where the garage door opener is plugged in) which means you usually don’t have to run a separate electrical…
Take a nail, make several holes in the rim of the can where the lid fits. The excess paint will drain back into the can, and you won’t even need the rag.
I just went through our daughter's toy room about three months ago and truly organized it.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hooper,