
What these guys said. My music is important to me, as are my books and films. I want to own it, not license it from a company that may cease to exist one day, and only when an Internet connection is available (other customers of Time Warner Cable will understand). A good-quality MP3 is small, reliable, and mine.

I rarely ever use Spotify, and I haven't used Pandora in years. 99% of my music is still bought and put into a good old-fashioned music player in MP3 format.

I sincerely hope the end result of this article being published is Priefer being unemployable as an NFL coach.

THIS! I get in these days of social media, anything can be seen and one should be careful with what you post. But, why the hell are you following the person who has caused you grief? its almost like schadenfreude directed at yourself.

The IngenuiTEA from Adagio for tea, it's beyond awesome.

Not if you're using tea bags, you don't.

Loose leaf tea is a breeze with the IngenuiTEA.

You're not that serious if you use bagged tea. It's the dust that's left over after the good stuff (loose leaf) is packaged. There are plenty of easy ways to prepare loose leaf tea.

I hate the word app and what's more my phone auto(in)correct doesn't know the word out of the box and replaces it with so.

My favorite feature of Kindle books is integration with Audible. I bought a best seller for 8.99, added the audio book to the order for an additional 3.50 and with everything sync'ed I can move from reading on my tablet to listening while running or long drives in my car. It allows me to be 'reading' in so many more

One more - whispersync for Kindle <—> Audible. I like reading the text, but often listen to books. When I get really into an Audible book, and then have some time to sit down and read the climax of the book, this feature is wonderful.

Not that it's a new feature, but it's a little amazing to me that I can jump between platforms and continue reading where I left off. I don't always carry a tablet but I do always have my phone. And by the way, check out calibre if you need to convert between book formats and stuff like that.

I sympathize with what you're saying about trying to find good clothes that fit, and I really want to support the point that fit is so important for bigger guys. I think a lot of bigger guys think that they will look worse if they wear fitted clothing, but the opposite is true: big, baggy clothes make bigger guys look

I've got 2 jailbroken AppleTVs (2nd gen) and 3 Rokus. One of the Rokus replaced one of the ATVs (in my office). A 4th Roku will replace the ATV in my living room eventually.

Hah, if you work in a job where you can take week long vacations every 3-6 months and keep your job, you don't need a vacation; you're already taking one.

1. Check for lint through the entire venting system (lint trap, exhaust hose, vent cover).

Another one to keep an eye on, at least in grocery stores in my area, is when they show group pricing for items that you'd still get the sale price if you bought fewer. The price tag will say '5 for $5! Save x amount on 5!' when in reality you could buy fewer than that and still only pay $1 each. It's only when it

Walmart will show price per unit, per ounce, per pound, etc. on the shelf tag in orange. That's what I use to base my decision. It's not always full-proof though. I find myself buying too much of something because the larger bag/container is cheaper per unit and end up throwing out the "savings" from time to time.

So I'd end up paying the same amount everytime but not have to worry or think about it? Yes please.