
Why not use Goodreads? It has a pretty good "list" system (they call "shelves"), and it has three by default: Currently Reading, Want to Read, and Read. You find the book you want to read, and it to your to-read shelf. When you're reading, you can keep track of your progress, add notes. And when you're done you can

My supervisor did just that to me, I wasn't hospitalized, but I had a lump on my neck that turned out to be a subeaceous cyst. He went into a long story about someone he knew who had a lump just the same that turned out to be cancer and the guy died.

I dunno. She got the phrase, "create jobs," in there. Pretty much makes her qualified for Congress.

If you're shaving, then you're not really on vacation.

This picture makes me angry. That is not how gears work.