
False equivalence. It’s like saying listening to death metal and wearing trench coats makes you yearn for murder and have a pact with satan.

I’d like to see how you react when this happens to you.

Not just the internet; society in general is dumb like that. See Salem Witch Trials, Duke Lacrosse Team, etc.

I’m sorry that you’ve got shit in your life, but it doesn’t help your argument to have not said anything to anyone years ago, and you can’t honestly be expected to be simply taken at your word for something that could ruin someone’s life it it’s just made up. Not saying you are, but there are also psychos out there

TWOxACROSS raped me in 2001. I remember it clearly.

God forbid you are asked for proof of a life and career ruining accusation. People require more proof for murder than these BURN THE WITCH moments where people are simply accused of indecent conduct, and then are subsequently burned to the ground over just an accusation with zero research.

If there’s a base to this and some level of proof aside from word-of-mouth and hearsay, please provide it. Because all I’ve seen is two lengthy articles and a forum shitstorm completely based off the word of some rando lady who says this mostly harmless (ie. no rape, no forced contact, most likely just misread signals

It’s amazing how quickly the world will turn on someone simply from a baseless accusation with zero proof that it occurred.

You forgot the part about the entire cast being complete assholes, including to each other, and breaking prime directive to use a living being as a fucking battery, etc. etc. etc.

Do black action heroes matter? Because here’s a copy of my book for free. Enjoy!

Thankfully in context of the scene, it didn’t matter if it was intentional or not because she WAS just a cheap imitation as a part of that scene and part of the plot. She was a “close enough” representation in the eyes of Wallace as an attempt to fool Deckard, who knew better. “I know what’s real” and “her eyes were

I’m always amused in this time and day when something like this shows up and it’s still in SD when literally every device on the planet these days includes a fucking HD camera in it. You almost have to go out of your way to find and buy an standard def device.

Speaking of...what’s the news on the new Dark Crystal series anyways?


I, for one, have no problem with any of this.

Your vague insult is unneeded, as is your completely improper comparison. I didn’t talk to you like you were a child, so don’t do it with me.

It’s too bad that most movie audiences in this era are fucking dolts who just want more explosions and dialogue telling them what’s going on at every moment so they don’t have to think. There’s a reason why this is not performing at the box office but we have like 12 Resident Evil movies, 10 Fast and Furious, and 6

I don’t know about that, bruh. I mean the guy hasn’t even been in office 1 year and already has big name Republicans turning against him. I think they thought they could manage him when they signed up for the pro-Trump train, but it’s becoming quickly apparent, the guy is a loon. I bet, to save face in light of the