
Chris Pratt. He’s always a good choice.

Yeah, I know at least 5 people who thought it was just the tablet for use on the Wii and didn’t understand why they would buy an accessory for a dead system.

Also of note: George is a notorious fucking liar since at least the 90s when the claims he never wrote 1-3 or 7-9, which is a total load because bits of the stories for the sequels leaked in the 90s as well as all of the proof saying otherwise in the 70s and 80s in interviews from his own fucking mouth as well as cast

I just wanted to equally associate them with FSM, no other reason. k byebye now

Now playing

Well, he wasn’t too terrifying for Disney to pick him up for the Peter Pan and the Pirates cartoon as Hook.

In all fairness, they didn’t use L Ron Hubbard or the Flying Spaghetti Monster either.

So I guess they’re not taking the risk on Islam, Scientology, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster, huh?

The way I see it, they have an easy out here to incorporate the widely wanted replacement with Chris Pratt. I mean, we already know that Indy is a bit of a loner and womanizer and travels a lot. With a good script, one could easily explain that Chris Pratt is also an explorer of his own right, and runs into Indy on

There’s a big difference in having meaningless dancing or background video like Beatmania IIDX, etc. and what this game is doing. You don’t have the time to see how much damage is being dealt or taken by your characters and whatnot because you’re too busy paying attention to the oncoming barrage of notes you have to

“...all this action going on beneath the track...totally for bystanders”

You lost me at Takashi Miike

OMG. If they put Glover into Leto’s role in this, that would be magical.

I dunno. For someone who doesn’t really know any Italian people, it sounded Italian to me. Though also not knowing the source character as well, I can look at images online and say he does LOOK quite a bit like the drawings from the book...although I can see a bit of asian in the eye/brow area in the art. It’s a

I’ll be honest; I can’t really tell the difference without a comparison, so that says something. I don’t think kids are going to notice (or care) to be honest and that’s what matters. When I was younger, I didn’t notice when they replaced Uncle Phil’s vocals on Shredder to like 5 other guys, or swapping the actress

Jackie was an excellent choice for the actor, but they fucked up the makeup. Burn victims just aren’t “scary”. Most people tend to shy away from them out of pity, not actual fear. It’s like if they took of Jason’s mask in a reboot and he just had Down’s Syndrome.

It was. It was amazing.... and then the embargo was lifted. :p

I simply can’t get past how bad his outfit looks. The getup is just to squared off and small. He needs to have that bulk to him, even if it means a lot of foam padding like the 2001 show. I personally didn’t like the 2001 show at all, content-wise, but they nailed the look. This show has the opposite

“This is a Playstation 4 game” should not be the measure of how a game should look, else everything would look the same. We’re talking about a Dreamcast originating game that kept the same look with the sequel and is keeping contextually with the previous two games. I don’t see a problem with that anymore than I see

It’s a great little movie when it’s not trying to be super serious and deep, which happens on occasion. It’s at its best when it’s just being a silly adventure.

...or they could, ya know, just fix the fucking slow ass movement speed.