
As I was reading the article, I kept thinking “something is missing here, because this doesn’t sound like Seattle cops” and then I hit the little snag of:

It would explain how quick they were to shut it down for sure.

This is similar to what killed our chances of having an Eternal Darkness 2.

Is John McCain senile? I felt like Comey; completely confused.

lol, ok, Pot.

Improvements to you, but the people who are core DQ players that have kept the series alive this long maybe don’t see it that way. I see it as neutering. Again, there are people who prefer the Theatrical LOTR trilogy, but the general consensus is that the Extended editions are the proper versions, Same can be said

And let’s not forget that they removed random battles almost entirely in favor of showing them on the field and allowing you to avoid them.

The portable games have always been super easy in their hand-holding. They play more like your typical modern RPG where you basically just have to progress from one town to another to get enough experience to fight the bosses. There’s very little ‘grinding’ which is a DW/DQ trademark since 1985. Also, the battles

DQ6 was trash...and not even in the same trilogy. It was a crap endcap to 4-6, with 5 being clearly the superior of the three. DQ 7-9 was 8 being the best, closely with 7 and then 9 in the cakewalk trash bin.

Dead serious. You’ve clearly only played the handheld versions of any DQ/DW game and maybe DQ8. I know the type... you’re in the “there’s too much dialogue and it’s to grindy” pool. You want your DQ games to be a breeze and with simplified dialogue. That’s fine, but that’s not true DQ.

You, much like too many who only have played the DS/GBC versions, only know the easy version or prefer DW/DQ to be easier and less grindy. As someone who has been playing and loves the series remaining unchanged for the most part (except for handhelds), I prefer the grinding experience as it’s what makes a Dragon

You really should play the vastly superior Dragon Warrior 7 on PS1. The 3DS game didn’t do proper justice to how fantastic the original game was.

And depending on where you live, you’re inviting plenty of rat infestations among other critters and bugs.

I literally turned the game off after the mid-game plot twist. Not only was the game up to that point mostly shit, but the plot twist was complete and utter shit. It didn’t help that the major changes in core gameplay fucking was hard enough to deal with. The ruined the skills and crafting, the battle system was a

I usually got a 2000g (2kg) “off the menu” curry plate of Level 10 heat at CoCo Ichibanya when I lived in Japan and I thought that was effing huge. I have no idea how a human can eat 10kg of that shit, lol.

Ozzy is the worst when it comes to entertainment factor. The guy has never moved when on stage; only occasionally shambling.

Are we just going to ignore Henry Faber’s gross toe thumb?

I will give you this much: Nintendo are notorious liars. If they tell you something isn’t happening, it surely is. “Nintendo doesn’t comment on rumors and speculation” = no. So it is wholly possible this is a handheld replacement, but knowing Nintendo there’s no chance they’re replacing both...

Nintendo was pretty clear this isn’t a console or handheld replacement; it’s some sort of 3rd console - a hybrid if you will. From what I gather, they still intend to have a new home console.