
I literally turned the game off after the mid-game plot twist. Not only was the game up to that point mostly shit, but the plot twist was complete and utter shit. It didn’t help that the major changes in core gameplay fucking was hard enough to deal with. The ruined the skills and crafting, the battle system was a

There’s actually nothing wrong with Last Action Hero. The only thing it did wrong was come about 20 years too early, because back then, the big dumb action movies were still very strong films and it was hard to appreciate the tropes they were making fun of at the time. I didn’t get Last Action Hero back when it came

I usually got a 2000g (2kg) “off the menu” curry plate of Level 10 heat at CoCo Ichibanya when I lived in Japan and I thought that was effing huge. I have no idea how a human can eat 10kg of that shit, lol.

It’s always ok when the shoe is on the other foot...but when the tables turn, suddenly it’s not ok anymore.

I’ve only ever used one keyboard:

Now playing

Every time I see Trump walking, I think of this:

Ozzy is the worst when it comes to entertainment factor. The guy has never moved when on stage; only occasionally shambling.

Looks fucking terrible.

Star Warsassin’s Creed Trek

Good. Fuck that miserable piece of shit. I hope they don’t even bother with a home video release.

Are we just going to ignore Henry Faber’s gross toe thumb?

I’m not sure what job my kid can get in the future, but he’s really good at breaking shit and playing Plants vs Zombies.

You haven’t seen Age of Adeline then...because Ingruber killed it as a young Ford.

I take offense (?) to that statement...I think. I get Prometheus and enjoyed it, but I also love me some stupid ass Battlefield Earth tot he point where I own the blu and it sits on the same shelf and Prometheus. lol

People will think it’s David Harbour...who is playing it says in both this article and the Tweet.

I will give you this much: Nintendo are notorious liars. If they tell you something isn’t happening, it surely is. “Nintendo doesn’t comment on rumors and speculation” = no. So it is wholly possible this is a handheld replacement, but knowing Nintendo there’s no chance they’re replacing both...

I’m not trying to be some kind of champion of women when I say this, but I don’t understand why they felt the need to make a sexy mummy. What benefit could there possibly in sexualizing a damn mummy? I would honestly say the same thing about a beefcake mummy. It’s stupid.

Nintendo was pretty clear this isn’t a console or handheld replacement; it’s some sort of 3rd console - a hybrid if you will. From what I gather, they still intend to have a new home console.

Good riddance. Fucking terrible idea that was simply a stupid exercise in fan fiction for the sad folks who just can’t get over how Alien 3 opened and ended, because they felt like they needed closure on a couple of characters who were in all of one movie out of three.