
I have to say I’m with you, and I haven’t even played it yet...probably never will. I can tell from all of the videos I’ve seen of it that I won’t like it. I have no desire to play games like this...but then again, I was never a huge Zelda guy (Mario and Metroid, yay) and only really liked the two on the NES, LttP,

Also, remember when Republican heroes did nothing but cockblock everything Obama tried to do, but now Democrats are a bunch of obstructionists who don’t want anything to get done. 

First droid app I’ve actually paid for (I usually just get the free / ad supported stuff).

I think they’re just about equally as good, but the US version misses one of the key points of likening the boredom/violence “generation” to Beavis and Butthead by having the guys be a couple of blondes who basically look the same. There’s just a little something missing. Same with Let Me In; there was just a little

People who have no idea what it is and have never seen it, it leaves mystery in the trailer and allows a shock value on first watch.

Where were the German people in the Funny Games remake? Where were the Swedish people in Let Me In?

But what about Robin Williams? I mean, the guy even helped them sell games. Not even a nod?

prevented ...from making profit

I’ve suggested that Nintendo do something similar before.

Kin no Unko makes much more sense to the Japanese than a western audience. They obviously left it in there just for giggles in the US release, but the Japanese people would’ve definitely got more out of the reference. It’s hard to explain, but I’m sure if you Google it, you might get a better idea.

And you think outside of maybe the first and last one those look vastly different other than color variations? I’ve seen most of those planets to some degree myself and so have every other player.

Now playing

I dunno about that. I’ve on occasion just left the Wii Shop Channel open for background music.

Basically, Foundation did less than what mods have done.

Now playing

I guess it’s all relative to opinion. For me, it was pretty much the same shit, just now with bases. It also doesn’t solve the biggest problem of the game, which is that all planets are already colonized by bases to some degree, so you’re not even “discovering” them because one of the 4 game races are already there,

I played Foundation 1.1 and it barely looked any different. Same shit, different colored planet.

I’d rather have more varied planet landscapes than fucking cars.

Miike is a great Japanese movie maker, but a terrible relatable-to-every-other-culture movie maker. I’m pretty sure you either have to literally be Japanese and from Japan or clinically insane to understand/like the majority of his movies. I honestly don’t know how he and M. Night Shymalan keep getting gigs.

If that’s true at all, then your statement is even more scary. You clearly don’t have an understanding of copyright because if you did, your statement would make zero sense, which it does. This has absolutely nothing to do with copyright. Nintendo never created a Mother 4, nor have they any way to copyright (or

You literally have no idea what copyright is and how it works.