
God me too. There’s still a full yea to scrap it and move forward with something else. The casting is abysmal.

I don’t even know why they’re using the original ranger material as the source for any of this. They’re fucking it all up and ignoring the core ideas behind everything. Rita Repula was supposed to look ‘repulsive’, not hot. Puttys are fucking supposed to be made from fucking putty, not trash and hunks of concrete.


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Who the fuck SHOULD be kidnapped to justify the continued plot of Mario games? Toad? Ok, so now we’re saying he’s too helpless unless normal white male Mario saves him and why should we desegregate little people... it never fucking ends.

Is there a name for that sound that plays in the trailers and in this set of clips? That metallic PIYYAAAANNNNNGGGG like at 2:04. They typically use it with a slow camera flash in trailers.

Ryan Gosling could play a turd wrapped in a tortilla shell and I’d probably still watch the movie.

The Lobster sucked balls.

Based on the article picture and the title, I assumed we were going to discuss why almost nothing from the trailers was in the movie.

Really the scariest thing about Trump dying is the thought of anyone else in his cabinet taking over.

Wait. What did they do???

Pretty sure the exact description of a 4K “RESTORATION” is that they go in and clean up any latent issues with the picture quality itself and ensure optimal quality. This is not the same as going back and fucking with it using CGI replacements; a restoration typically means you scan it in 4K and clean it up a bit. I

I dunno. It’ll be hard to top the 2000 mini series of Dune, which I thought was exemplary. I’d be happy if Villeneuve just took that exact script and put his visual style spin to it and updated the CGI.

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L.A. Beast (the man mostly responsible for Crystal Pepsi coming back) also did this once:

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My guess is that he’ll reprise his role as the crotchety old banker:

Right, I get that they’re trying to ultimately get away, but clearly they are running fear of something as they keep looking back and they’re running full sprint.

If I’m taking a complete stab in the dark at the context of that scene, they’re clearly running FROM something, not TOWARD the AT-ATs on purpose. If you rewatch the cut material vid, you can see at least 3 directly related sequences where they’re all running from something, and my guess is maybe Vader. I mean, at

At least two judges beg to differ:

In all fairness, we never saw two scenes from TFA that were in the trailers, more specifically one where Rey is racing away from something on her speeder while looking over her shoulder. I can’t imagine where that would have fit into the plot we got.

Seriously, has there been one single aspect of this movie they haven’t fucking ruined yet? I’m for real. I can’t think of one single thing they’ve got right.