A feminist movie would have cast the titular hero as female.
A feminist movie would have cast the titular hero as female.
It has nothing to do with discussing a film that clearly has a message about something. There’s no special message here other than the one people are trying to impose on it. What do you not get about that? Not every film has to be high art and pose some kind of cultural debate. Did Beyond Thunderdome pose some kind of…
So I have to prove to you that it’s not feminist with what proof? The entire film? Is that not enough proof? Again, it has nothing to do with being feminist or not, it just isn’t...and the fact that people like you are trying so hard to shoehorn that image of non-existent subtext onto the film is ridiculous. You just…
Neo Geo? Yeah, WHAT!
I love the movie. It has nothing to do with feminism, or lack of, or race diversity or lack thereof. You can keep trying to enforce your belief that Fury Road is all about raging against the patriarchy all you want though.
I’m going for the argument that it’s stupid to make up subtext that’s not even really there. People are too busy imposing their subtext based on their personal agendas, and it’s just not there. But feel free to keep thinking it is...in every film. Even Commando - where Arnold was also fighting the patriarchy.
yes, it’s the patriarchy. It’s all about the patriarchy. whatever.
Just because there are women in the forefront and “all the men are bad” doesn’t mean that’s some kind of subliminal message they’re trying to portray. All the men were bad in all the other Max films too. Hell, the first 2 both had rape scenes. Road Warrior was S&M heavy, does that mean it’s an LGBT film? Gimme a…
I think people are over-reading into that completely. Just because the primary character is a touch girl and she’s saving abused slave girls doesn’t mean there’s some kind of agenda. I think people just read way too into shit too much these days.
You said you types in words that started with J and F, and the boss was called “JFZZJNMS”. Is there any chance the name of the boss is based on the 1st letter of each word you put in? Maybe it’s supposed to spell Yeezus or something. Just a thought.
Machii has appeared on Japanese several times
I’m not afraid to admit, I laughed a lot at the vid. Pretty funny stuff. This is how Nintendo should always be.
Day 1 paid DLC from the disc.
Poor Japan. They never got the sweet sweet voice acting in their DQ8 like we did. It’s like the one and only time they got screwed hard and we didn’t.
Stretch Goals are seen as an incentive to get more people involved in pledging. It kind of defeats the purpose of going beyond goal if there isn’t much incentive to do so. Sure, some goals are shit but telling people it’ll be put on a certain console or adding better music or voice acting or whatever are reasonable…
Here’s a good one for you. I drive one of them tiny little Smart dealies, and one late night I was in the left lane of a 40mph road stuck behind some a-holes who were going 30, riding right next so some other a-hole who was also going 30 in the right lane. Needless to say, I was fuming at the retard in the left lane…
Maybe this is a stupid question, and maybe I’m exaggerating a little, but why does it seem easier to make a decent cyberpunk game/movie/whathaveyou than it does to have a good steampunk one?
...or do what I said, and just not play with assholes.