Power Glove 2. You heard it here first folks.
Power Glove 2. You heard it here first folks.
This is fantastic, and I'm not even a Star Wars obsessive. I basically only like the original films and don't care about the EU...but THIS, this needs to be funded. Pitch this to Disney, man...make this an OVA and take all my money!
With Nintendo, denial = confirmation. If they say "Nintendo doesn't comment on rumors and speculation" then it's probably really not happening. If Nintendo flat-out denies something, they're doing it or at least planning on it.
The elephant thing is more about density. A giraffe is also very big but much quicker...but I also don't see elephants as slow, because I'm aware that they can also run quickly when needed. Elephants are like tanks. When I see Godzilla, I think he's more like an elephant, bulky and slow in general...so I kind of…
That gif makes me feel better about the series although I'll probably never watch it. I just kind of get tired of the old 'big things moving slowly' deal. I mean, to an ant, I'm huge and I don't move slower than an ant. I figure something seen in like Pacific Rim should be able to move pretty fast in comparison.
I've always wondered - aside from aesthetics - why do BIG things in movies/games always move so slowly? I mean, I get that it makes them appear "bigger" but why?
Why do I get the distinct feeling this movie will play out like a really shitty Ghostbusters?
But those aren't Sony/MS properties... you're listing 3rd party shit as if Nintendo doesn't have unique 3rd party shit.
Yeah because Halo 5 and all the spinoffs, God of War 6 and Killzone 12 have been massively original, right?
Oh my god, people... it's a fucking WORD. Grow the fuck up. Everybody is such babies.
I read up until the video, watched it and decided this game looks terrible.
Fuck this game. I think it looks stupid and the combat looks immensely frustrating. What happened to Final Fantasy? It has strayed so far from what made it a good series in the first place.
This list is all sorts of wrong...here's the correct order:
But he had the cape.
Wonder Woman actually looks really cool. That is an excellent design. Superman on the other hand...ugh.
This whole lot of families are a bunch of coked up loonies.
lol, well son of a bitch. I figured something like that would have happened on the one with the gorilla.
Would Ghost Ghostbusters be anything like The Frighteners? Because I'd pay for that.