
Hopefully the game is better than their trailer, because that video sucked. Also, I'm usually leery about people who make bold claims to be the ones who finally made a good whatever.


This is one of the dumbest things that rich people do. Buying a ginormous, ridiculously expensive house is never a good financial decision, and usually leads to bankruptcy unless you have some form of steady future income to pay for the insane cost of maintenance these homes require.

I'll just leave this here:

Avoid Lynnwood, WA at all costs while you're at it. That place is one giant speed trap where pretty much all they care about is giving out tickets for everything so they can extort money from everyone passing through. They have cameras on just about every light, and cops on every corner just waiting for you to go

What are the chances they'll do the opposite of what the Vita did and go with the larger, superior OLED? In either case, I'd love to have a GamePad XL. if Nintendo would do some sort of trade-in discount. But knowing the big-N, it'll be more money out of my pocket as punishment for being an early adopter.

I've got nothing against the game's premise or tone. I think it just looks like it won't be worth playing based on the gameplay they've shown.

I think the problem with amiibo is that they don't hold any real value in the games. Like if Mario unlocked a DLC stage in MK8 exclusively to his amiibo, and a special car or something, I might care. As it stands, they do nothing but build/hold stats.

This game has bigger problems than homemade Benoits. How about we address the fact that this is a PS4 game running in 2014 and it looks worse than the N64 games of the 90's... I swear everyone looks like blurred plastic, and the arenas look more empty than a 32-bit game.

Maybe this is the first step in them mending their wounds and making up for the PS1 fiasco...

Motherfucker. Now I gotta get a New 3DSXL LL for this. Fuckers need to start putting these games out in the US so I don't have to buy new systems all the time for one game...that or stop with the region locking.

It's too bad the wheels still screech on a wet road.

Suikoden 1 was better. Not sure why people insist on 2 being superior.

Still doesn't look right and has the creep factor. I just don't understand why the LA Noire's face tech hasn't been used extensively now with the power of current gen gaming.

At first, I was pretty unimpressed. Looked like more of the same linear climbing and not particularly impressive graphics... and then about halfway through when it opened up to the idea of climbing just about anywhere in a huge expansive world, and I started to take notice. Hopefully it's not like part 3. I want

I was expecting this to be awful, but was honestly really well done all around.

I have never actually seen the lead singer from Disturbed before. Not at all how I imagined him.

I talked to these guys before and they said they'd love to see it on Wii U but are afraid they'll get ruined by Nintendo for some of their "homages" that are a little too close to the source inspirations :p I'd love to see it on a Nintendo system, where it belongs, though...