
Fuckin' A yes. I was actually just wondering if this would ever happen. Actually, just about every damn GameCube game worth mentioning needs an HD remaster if you ask me.

But reviews don't get your product seen, and that's the huge missing puzzle piece outside of word of mouth. Word of mouth only goes so far without some form of media attention to his larger audiences who will in turn see your good reviews.

He said he had pulled them from a collage he was working with, which could have been from some other project or from files stored/provided by other sources than Google...because believe it or not, there are other sources for pictures than Google, especially when you work in entertainment/media jobs.

And Japanese people have no room to talk. They wear horribly racist and inhumane shit all the time because they don't understand what their hat or shirt says. I saw some Japanese dude wearing a shirt that said "IF nigger is like a monkey, then I'M feeling nigger today: SILKY!"

Meh. Tower Defense + Platforming doesn't seem all that fun.

We people actually were around when the game came out, and it was released on Sega CD in 1994.

Here's a working video (for now):

Except it came out in the 90's.

Reminds me of the old Mr. T cartoon.

I'd back the hell out of this, but apparently it's only for the PC master race. I'll never understand why indie devs would shoehorn themselves only into one market.

CreateSpace themselves will literally tell you "CS is not an ideal format for comics and graphic novels" and to a degree it's pretty much true.

Lulu is too expensive and restrictive. I suppose if you're not a fan of CS, it's a decent alternative.

Since this article suck ass, I'll explain the difference for you:

This article, like many others is actually very useless. Like every other article on how to self-publish, you go over all of the obvious stuff like writing your book, and getting it printed or put online - that's the easy part. What you don't cover well, like everyone else, is how to advertise. Glossing over it

I don't think the lack of practical effects or miniatures was the problem people have with the prequels. The problem was that all of that shit was overly-saturated in CGI bullshit on top of the crap plots, uninteresting characters, and wooden acting.

While I understand the nostalgia value here, this guy's art is actually kind of terrible. It makes me wonder if companies just hired him because he was cheap.

Do you want to be there when him and his buddy go on a chainsaw rampage at a walmart?

I'm pretty sure public figures don't hold any rights to their likenesses...something to that effect. I don't know how that works in Panama though, so maybe they have a case on the massive sales royalties made in Panama.

I've probably spent something around that figure on Dragon Quest merch.

I know people are going to accuse me of being ant-Sony, which I'm not. I hope the PS4 stays successful because there are Sony exclusives I want to see followups to.