Japan has no fucking right to critique misuse of another country's language. Their Engrish is legendary. And Bashcraft you should know this shit. I lived in Japan too and that horrible backwoods ass English is EVERYWHERE.
Japan has no fucking right to critique misuse of another country's language. Their Engrish is legendary. And Bashcraft you should know this shit. I lived in Japan too and that horrible backwoods ass English is EVERYWHERE.
Anyone who pulls the 'straw man' card as their defense has no defense. It's just an easy way of dismissing a statement.
Umm, this is coming to Wii U as well as Xbox One, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 3, and Vita. But you know...just keep making it sound like it's only on PS4.
This isn't the case in Japan. I don't think I've ever got a food piece of McDonalds that didn't look at least 90-95% like the picture the whole time I lived there.
Yeah, because women are completely underrepresented in movies now, right... :/
Why does Kotaku always promote the worst looking Kickstarter games? There are so many great ones out there, yet it's always some boring choice getting all the press 3/4 of the time.
Red Dead Zelda.
How exactly do I obtain a mailing address for io9 and/or kotaku for sending press kits?
OMG!! YES!!!
Looks like R.A.D. 2 to me.
You also forgot F-bombs.
I'm sorry, but I'm tired of seeing Fallon's poser gamer segments. That guy does nothing but flail with every game they hand him. Tatum seemed more like he knew what the hell he was doing with the game than Fallon.
Pretty sure mine is the largest because I have just about every piece of DQ collectible known to man, minus a few of the newer plushes. I even have one of only 25 metal goldman statues ever made, only given out to staff.
Is there an option to bypass the stupid swiping/flick arrows? That was the part of the game I hated the most because it was a pain in the ass to get it to recognize my swipes in the heat of the moment in a faster paced song/difficulty.
I have the world's largest Dragon Quest collection if anyone wants to buy it... been considering selling it over the last year. This is only some of it. There's actually more.
Need a gif of 0:42-0:46 stat.
What does that have to do with anything? And yes, I've suffered through like 4 of them.
Edgar Wright is not funny at all. His movies are the definition of unfunny. The only director who makes films less funny or entertaining than Wright is David O. Russell
I don't normally find Pete Holmes funny at all, but this was definitely chuckle worthy.