
Still no SNES reference other than that it's top down, and that's still not an exclusively SNES thing. If it were top-down and 16-bit looking then maybe I'd go for the SNES reference, but roughly resembling bits of random things people are throwing out from various consoles does not equal SNES-style.

Shiren the Wanderer and the like may have been inspirations, but that's hardly "SNES-style" That's not something that made the SNES popular or was popular because of the SNES.

Who said anything about graphics? There is nothing SNES about this. Maybe Sega CD, but definitely not SNES. Actually, all I'm seeing in this as far as relation to any previous gen in gaming is more Blood Omen (PS1) than anything. Clearly the people trying to hock this are throwing that out there to cash in on some

There is nothing "SNES" style about this...

That's not judo, it's Hug-Fu. I think I know a thing or two about it because I invented it.


Has anyone else noticed that the former wrestlers who had real life beefs with Hogan seem to be getting offed? First Macho Man, and now Warrior....conspiracy?

Ummmm. ok. Why?

What about the wonderful S-DD1 chip that let Star Ocean have voices!?

I would say less Metroid and more Solomon's Key.

Did she have a stroke? It kind of looks like the left side of her face isn't as responsive...the cheek and mouth are most prominent.

I guess is depends on where you are.

Describe "notoriously awful" because in the 10 years I was in Japan, I never found any of my commutes to be anything beyond just somewhat unpleasant at worst.

The city buses aren't late either. Hell, when I lived there, I don't recall anything ever being late.

Sooooo, Gauntlet Legends meets Diablo then?

Please explain "getting more and more" versus what Wii U is getting/has gotten... because Wii U's library has expanded pretty drastically since August. It's no different than come this August we're going to see more for the other consoles too...yet you make it sound like Wii U is suddenly BACK in a drought, which is

I have a better question for you: Why does it take so damn long for the retail price to catch up with the market price when 1 year after a game is released I can get it for $20 or less anywhere except at retail? And a caveat to that is why can't digital marketplace pricing keep up with physical pricing to remain

Graphics are nice and all, but this dude seriously need to make massive progress on level design and gameplay (and camera). Those are really the only 2 elements that matter in a Mario game, because that's 90% of the fun and challenge without being frustrating, and Nintendo seems to be the only ones adept at achieving

Is anyone else tired of this Paranormal Activity / Insidious style bullshit in horror movies where it's just a bunch of jump scares that boil down to the classic Maze Game shit of the 90's? I thought I'd never ask for the days of torture porn to come back, but they're a step up from this crap. Can't anyone make good