
The women only section at my old gym was labelled like the rest of the equipment: "legs"....."chest".... "cardio".... "women"
Just another stop on the road to a well balanced physique.... ;)

But every group of people has an inherent culture, and sometimes that culture sucks. It may have nothing to do with a person's weight or self worth. For example, last year I went to a local "globo-gym" that had a culture that emphasised weight loss for women. They would regularly use phrases like "work hard, get

Although I would feel like a proper wanker describing myself as "ripped" (ahem), I too am a reasonable level of fitness. And if someone has made the effort to exercise, regardless of their weight or appearance, then they are a damn sight more impressive than anyone who just sits on the couch and whinges about it

Exactly. I see this research as a positive - it supports the theory that people are born gay, and therefore bolsters anti-discrimination arguments. (Well, it would, if the people who discriminate were able to form coherent, rational thought... Ahem.)

This reminds me of the cats we had on deployment. The SAS are colloquially called sas-cats, so when they found a mangy stray (or when she found them) it was inevitable what her name would be. She hung around the mess hall scrounging scraps, and eventually became a sort of unit mascot. Someone plaited her a collar from

Yes, shoulders back, please! She would look so much better if she didn't have body language of someone who stole a red carpet pass and is trying to skulk through unnoticed.

I hate my mother. He hates his. We are very happily married, and we don't let the in laws sleep over.

I was married at 32 weeks pregnant. A crop dress would have saved us ordering in another 2m of fabric to alter the formally gorgeous dress I had bought pre-bump... It turned into a tent-like abomination.

I have this too! I try not to get too skinny so that my body just looks straight up and down, instead of like a lumpy sack.

I flew my 4 month old baby down to see my dying gran. The baby fed the six hours, which was almost socially acceptable (poor guy sitting next to be did cop a LOT of boobage) but I came off looking like a prune. I was sitting getting the whole feeding thing and hadn't been able to work out how to drink simultaneous. I

Also, my bun gets caught in the seating mesh. I HEAR YOU.

It's highly likely your intelligence remains unaltered (although, anecdotally, it appears your logic and reasoning skills may have taken a hit.)

Oh, well, if it didn't damage YOU, them it must be ok then, right? Never mind the peer reviewed science to the contrary.

All this aside, can we talk about their desert cam ghillie suit? Because I can get the same effect with $30 of instant noodles....

My house is currently being painted. These puppies make the shitty contractors here look competent. And I bet they cut in better on the edges, too.

See, this shits me to tears.

Emus are delightfully daft and inquisitive. It can be a bad combination for the emu, though. I was driving along a country road when I came across an emu in a paddock. We were both travelling the same direction. After a while, he started to chase the ute and it turned into a kind of territorial race. The emu had it

Personally, I burn fewer because I spend more time lazily starfishing...

Uh huh. When I was at college there were three of us, all mates, and all at the same level of fitness. When two of us started having sex on the regular, our mate suddenly could not keep up in cardio or squats. He hated our unfair advantage. Who knew 15 minutes of nightly fumbling could make such a huge difference?

There was a little person walking towards my four year old and me. She said, loudly, "Hey Mum!! Hey Mum!! Look!!" and I held my breath because I didn't want her to offend the man. But then she said "He has a beard just like Uncle Alan!"