Baby George!
Baby George!
I had a long term boyfriend at college who, while I was away on a field trip, hooked up with another girl. Then he texted me on someone else's (!) phone to tell me it was over. I was heart broken. I tried to talk to him when we got back but he blanked me.
The next time I saw him was ten YEARS later at a mutual friend's…
I was totally sprung planning my boyfriend's surprise party because on his birthday he saw me and his best mate wheeling a trolley of booze through the shops. nothing suss!
I was totally sprung planning my boyfriend's surprise party because on his birthday he saw me and his best mate wheeling a trolley of booze through the shops. nothing suss!
What a load of bollocks. Men have the ability to exercise free will, and pick their own partners. It's not a running race, where sportsmanship counts, but the winner gets the boyfriend. It's a complex mix of human emotions and compatibilities, with no end point. If you want to date him, and he wants to date you, then…
I'm a mum, and I'm the chief picture taker in my family. If I didn't take photos of myself sometimes too, I would NEVER make it into the family album. In 100 years, my great grandkids would look back and think my husband was a bachelor raising two beautiful girls alone. So I selfie. And I'm not even sorry. (They don't…
Thank goodness.
But please don't confuse that with where most people are stationed - that was a rear echelon base, where people move through on their was forwards or back out of country. Where I spent most of my time, we had a weekly delivery of chocolate flown in by a chopper pilot who was crushing on my mate, and that was it for…
None of the above. It was a business on base, open 9-5/5, staffed by (I think?) Indonesians who had come specifically for that purpose. There was also a Subway, KFC and a Pizza place, as well as coffee shops and a full Chinese restaurant, complete with the ubiquitous red and gold decor. They try to make it feel as…
We wore full makeup to Christmas dinner. But otherwise, nope. Too much dust, and who has the time! Also, the locals thought makeup was only worn by prostitutes, so it made it difficult to get respect when we dealt with them.
I had my first spa facial in Kuwait, on base. Then we went out for Chinese. We also kept our toenails painted under our boots, because we wanted to, and could. You'd probably be surprised at what's available!
Respectfully, I met my husband while we were both in full rig. We both looked fucking hawt.
When I'm upset my husband says "oh shit, I messed up, I'm sorry." Even if it was barely his fault. And then I apologise for being crazy, say it's not all his fault, and then we snuggle and talk it out. (Vomiting from too much cheese yet? Sorry!) It's an argument shortcut that gets us to where we both want to be. We've…
The fights. Yeah. They suck. We have them too, especially when he's just home, or about to go, or visiting for a short time. I think it's just everyone trying to exert their place in the relationship. I want to show him I'm fine, and independent, and managing. He wants to prove he still has a place in our home. Also,…
My four year old LOVES this song, and listens to it almost daily. It inculcated into her psyche, now, and she says things like "nah, mum! I can do it, I'm a tiger!" or "I'm a chain-girl at swimming!" (Katy Perry doesn't enunciate, and says "chain-girl" instead of champion.) So overall, I reckon it is doing her good.
I'm always shocked at the number of people who DON'T rush to help. I don't blame them, I understand it's probably a fear / shock / freeze response, but I've been in so many situations where it's me or my mates who step up, and we are rarely the closest. I'm very sure it our military training.
Ah, deployment. That's an absolute killer. Either you come out rock solid, or things tend to fall apart a bit. We've done three. (One for me, two for him.) To be perfectly honest, I tended to fall a little bit in love with someone else every time we were apart. I never EVER acted on it, never told anyone about it, but…
I had a middle-school crush on a dude. Not so much for sexy-times, but he's just so Smart!!!1!! and Fit!!!1!!1! and Attractive!!1! and Kind!!!!!
Not a college-poor story, but a college-later story.
Yeah, I was thinking that too.