I shudder to think what he might do for a Klondike bar.
I shudder to think what he might do for a Klondike bar.
they can only dream of being rubbed all over a body
His cap hit for the next five years is $5,250,000 per year, and he's not nearly good enough to justify it. Why did the Blue Jackets take him on? Who knows.
Griffin hopes this will silence the doubters who said he would never have more than one goodyear.
But... but... I thought Sal Tlay Ka Siti was the most perfect place on earth? You know... where flies don't bite your eyeballs, and human life has worth?
"…and what type of lion did you say it was again?"
omg, i am happy this is happening. Coach totally threw off the dynamic. There were just too many characters all of a sudden, too many plotlines and frankly, not enough Winston who is my fave character on the show. Lamorne Morris is amazing. Also, whatever happened to ferguson the cat? He seems to have disappeared?!
This is what playing for the Texans does to a man.
I wrote about this too if anyone's interested, but with more making-fun and swearing.
Okay, but do the beans have to contain DNA?
Actually, it's about ethics in fast food journalism.
They just got carried away because they're so concerned about ethics in journalism.
Is it just me, or is this BeIN announcer's "goooooooooool" call limp and half-hearted? Dude, if you're gonna do it, at least give it some gusto.
This business owner has put her cash register into the hands of human nature.
pretty sure there isn't the 85kg 100m dash...
What if the massive genetic edge was that they were 5 inches taller?
I am sure you are right that every restaurant in the world is anti-worker to some degree. However it seems to me that if a restaurant is anti-worker enough to call them out on twitter then it is anti-worker enough to boycott.