Donna Svei

April, Same comment I shared with Greg! Donna


That would be a nice comment on the post itself!


Hi Patrick,

Hi Sarah,

Hi Ursa,

Hi Marv,

Hi Swiss Army Knife,

If you’re reading this after the official session closed, please feel free to add any LI questions you have. I’m happy to answer them. Donna

Hi Gerry,


Further on groups, ask your colleagues and friends if they belong to any social media groups they find useful for your needs. Don’t limit them to LinkedIn for giving you ideas.

Groups. *Groan*

Hi Paul,

Haha, Swiss Army Knife. I love it!

Hi Jim,

That’s a great question. I would use it to highlight the knowledge, skills, and abilities you know employers want to see. Put your best projects and your keywords in there.

Yes, Andy, I do. Why? Because you might be looking for a job in the future and LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to build relationships now so you will have them if you need them in the future. You can think of your network as a job search investment account.

If I don't read it "now," it never gets read. If I want to be able to retrieve something I've read in the future, I gmail it to myself. I put the keywords I would use to search for it in the email's subject line or in the text of the email. Works like a dream. I don't have to categorize anything and I've never failed

Thank you!

It's a nice touch. Just be sure to have it copy edited before you send it. I say this because errors in cover letters and thank you letters seriously hurt job searches. Better to send nothing, than to send something full of errors.