You've got an extra "the" after "Tsukiko is"
You've got an extra "the" after "Tsukiko is"
That sucks but its not like Kotaku is obligated to report on every tip. Have you posted about it on TAY at all? Might help a bit.
Oh awesome! Vita is definitely worth it then.
Definitely stood the test of time. Just try to go into it without any huge expectations. It still controls like a PS2 game. But it's an awesome experience.
I would say get the steam version but thats just me. It's usually on sale for around $3. And the Vita version doesn't have the daily challenges. But if you don't care about that I'd say its worth the price for Vita.
Hmmm I'm having a hard time believing that the sand serpent is the biggest..but I haven't played this in a while. Saving this picture regardless.
You can score goals in Blitzball???
I really don't understand why everyone whines about the mandatory google + integration. It doesn't even do anything. And it certainly doesn't force you to use your real name on youtube. You can still use your username! People are so stupid. There are a hundred other things wrong with how youtube works and yet people…
Fuck these are cool.
I love reading headlines like this and feeling like I live in some Sci-Fi future.
I really don't want any Last of Us DLC..just leave the story where it is.
Well yeah I get that. I'm just wondering what you mean by fusion sequel. Like more about the X parasites? Or just a 2D Metroid?
Why Metroid fusion specifically? Just wondering.
Again, you don't know yet. It's not like silent characters have never had personality and layers.
You know you could wait till the game is actually out before you decide on what this character is like.
I wish I could get into this server! It just gives me errors..
It's not like it will be any cheaper after 3 months. Why not just keep the pre order and play Killzone with your friends?
I have that too! It is by far the best looking purchasable Master Sword I have ever seen. Plus its only like $50!
Are those zombies supposed to be the troll face?
I wasn't trying to say I'm really good at the game or anything. That game is just a lot shorter than the average game. It was a major issue for people when it released. Doesn't really matter though. I didn't mean to seem like a dick.