
How are they supposed to have the assets for a darker skinned character model in their game if Platinum games or Nintendo hasn’t made it for them first? They can’t just make something on their own! That would be creativity!

Part one of this trilogy was Final Fantasy VII Remake, first released in 2020. That remake, if you didn’t know, was a very good game

Seems like a lot of people fundamentally don’t understand how much more money the gaming industry is making now vs even 10 years ago. The inflation argument is completely irrelevant now that digital purchases outsell physical copies by a mile PLUS the insane frequency of micro transactions in AAA titles. It’s just old

Combat is incredible, bosses are strikingly designs, the story is an improvement over the first game.

I love how it’s impossible for blog writers to compliment PewDiePie without mentioning the Christchurch shooting. Despite the fact that it is completely irrelevant to the topic and obviously not something he caused. Couldn’t be less related to the “broader context” of why Minecraft shot in popularity.

I love how defensive you are. He just said he doesn’t care enough about Goth to download another app to check when looking for streamers. There are countless other Twitch streamers to watch, he won’t be missed

Do you have an actual point of view you want to state? Or just useless snark? 

Jeeeeesus. Its a skin made to look cool. That is the absolute end of intention. Not everything is a labeled attack on entire communities. Stop trying to control other people’s art.

That’s not how jokes work.

Did you know that the world isn’t black and white? People are more complicated than the labels that people like you love to throw around to feel superior. He stopped streaming with women. He has said the N-Word before. You may not like these things but it doesn’t make him a racist or a misogynist. Just accept that

He didn’t just beat it, that has been done before, he 100% it. He did everything you can in the game. That is what’s insane.

Not recent as far as I know. It has been like that since I’ve been using it at least.


Yay. Maybe they’ll add options to change the horizontal camera control to something thats not horribly inverted.

Yay Lost Odyssey! If I added one to the list it would be Final Fantasy XIII-2. I know. So controversial. But I don’t care how you feel about the XIII trilogy, the soundtracks were spectacular.

Sorry to be that guy but I feel like using that gif as a jokey header is a pretty enormous spoiler to any up and coming GoT fans. Like anything else would be better than that..

I wouldn’t even even say it was short. I don’t exactly take my time with games and I still clocked out at 15 hours on that game from start to finish. Thats a solid amount of time in my book.

Family sharing is a feature a lot of people don't know about. You can let your friends/family have access to your steam library as long as you aren't currently playing anything. You just have to enable it on their computer.

I loved this show. It's one of the truest sci fi shows I've ever seen. The characters are pretty much nonsense filler but the plot more than makes up for it. Although the next season better not turn into the harem anime the end of the first season hints at.

The animation was awesome but the fight was pretty bland. All it was was one person hitting the other while they did nothing and then alternating between who hit who. I would have liked to see an actual exchange of blows rather than turn based combat. But this dude has a future in animating for sure.