
I always thought these games would be better with a controller. I usually avoid Diablo or Diablo like games because I hate the PC controls for them. Not that I'm against PC's or anything, it could probably be considered my main platform, I just really don't like clicking to walk to a place and I hate hotbars. I'm was

Is Mainecraft like Minecraft but instead of randomly generated worlds it's just always an exact voxel recreation of Maine?

Yeah Adam Sessler gave it the same score. Didn't seem like it deserved more. I didn't think that they pulled horde mode. The tweaked it a bit. You defend specific points from waves of locust instead of just staying in one area.

The matches would last for so long...

I loved it. I have beaten it more times than any other game I own! It is just that much fun to play (it is also VERY short so it can be run through in just a few hours.)

It used to be on netflix but I think they took it down. But I just found this! Good job WB.

Hmmm...I feel like I should re-watch the series now...

Hahaha yesss. Thank you.

Louis CK? If so, well done.

I've never played these at all and just thought they were good puzzle games. Are they known for good story as well? I might have to get a few if they are...

It's on netflix

Well I certainly hope that it runs better than the store, I can't imagine that it wouldn't. I actually like the design, as long as you can have a custom wallpaper instead of just blue.

Seems like they're making it look more like the store. Although I like the PS3 cross thing I really like the way this looks. It is much less plain.


All I want, graphically, from this generation is good fluid physics and good looking trees. No more 2D textures put together to look like it's 3D.

The cast of mad men- LA Noire

They just released a bit of info the other day: “Some work is still left to be done. We are testing, tweaking, optimizing, porting, translating and all those things that are part of the process of creating and releasing a game. Currently we are looking at a release around Q2 2013.” SUPER excited!

They probably play this same selection of the game over and over though. Eventually you just fall into a pattern.

Not necessarily, they took away the select button but they also added the touch pad button. It could easily be used for that.