No Desmond, only Vikings.
No Desmond, only Vikings.
Are they going to change the controls from the mod controls? Because those were truly awful. It seemed like the person who set those up had never played a video game before. I assumed it was Arma II to blame and not DayZ so I hope they fix this.
Sure they are! What about our friend Subway?
Yeah but thats like comparing Mario and Mario Kart. Completely different games with the same brand name. Revengence is just supposed to be a fun slash everything to bits type of game. I wouldn't hold it to the same standards as a Metal Gear Solid game.
Baten Kaitos's World Map theme is definitely one of my favorites. The wind sounds just go so perfectly with the guitar..I remember being really struck by it when I first heard it in the game. I just sat there and listened for a while.
I don't much care for Polygon. I have disagreed with almost every review that I've read from them. I mean it might just be me but Borderlands 2 a 7.5 and Halo 4 a 9.4? Come onnn.
I played it in second grade! I got it right when it came out. Loved it so much. I was a huge Super Metroid fan beforehand though. Prime was a little frightening though at the time. But that just made it more fun:)
I'd say Star Ocean: The Last Hope International is a great game to get if you are into JRPG's. Really pretty game with a killer battle system. I'd switch the audio to Japanese with subtitles though because those voices are unbearable otherwise.
The graphics look pretty much the same...just with new shaders.
Nooooo I wanted Baten Kaitos! Ah well this looks pretty awesome too.
Yaaaaay another article written just to talk about hating Final Fantasy XIII. Never read one like that before.
Since To Zanarkand was already I'll post this. This song ALWAYS gets me so fucking pumped. One of the best boss music songs I have ever heard. It's called "Force Your Way".
Since To Zanarkand was already I'll post this. This song ALWAYS gets me so fucking pumped. One of the best boss music songs I have ever heard. It's called "Force Your Way".
All I want is Metroid Prime HD collection on PC. It will never happen.
For anyone who missed it:
Well to be fair, those steam sales make them more money than anything. Gabe Newell did a whole presentation on it. Pretty interesting. But I'm absolutely not saying that they only care about money.
Well the THQ humblebundle is still up for anyone who wants Metro 2033 + other games.
I thought the tattoos just represented a skill you learned. Not something magical you can do.