
Ageism my ass. I was a young person once and if present (old) me met past (young) me, present me would slap some goddamned sense into past me. It comes with the territory.

I just had an an encounter not unlike this one. Only it was with a nurse, over the phone, trying to get my THREE DAY LATE chemo drug sent to the pharmacy. She is very young too, and I’m sick of these ‘children’ getting all ‘extra’ when they aren’t in complete control of a situation. They don’t know how to handle even

So Kanye was right? Win the Super Bowl and drive off in a Hyundai?

OH WOW NO THANK YOU that’s enough scares for three lifetimes

We are watching episode seven as I type. It shows up at weird times, like in a shot-for-shot scene when two people are talking.

We all know this a conspiracy so the 3 hyper cars won't be tested against each other.

Aldnoah.ZERO FTW. It is truly EVERYTHING.

SAO gets on but not Tokyo Ghoul? I can't stand to look at you all right now...

Amazon Prime makes me buy too much stuff.

The passenger shouldn't be using the arm rest, their face should be in your la

Both hands on the wheel!

I am absolutely stupefied! In my wildest dreams, I never envisioned it would look like this. I LOVE IT!

you forgot to mention that those 39 home runs were all hit in his first at bat.

Ugh fucking media sensationalizing everything. Just a loose cowling, not great, but not the end of the world, unless it comes completely loose and impacts the tail/elevators.

It is just a cover that was not locked. Not a big deal.

Nexus 5 is still the best phone out there :(

Unless you mean issues as in legacy software then there aren't really too many issues.... on the provisio that you raise your domain functional level to 2012 and update all the management software to the latest version , otherwise half of group policy falls over, SCCM can't manage it, DPM can't handle it properly and

Windows 8 is perfectly fine with a start menu replacement. The main thing people hate is the metro screen which is completely stupid to force upon people using a mouse and keyboard input. I've been using 8.1 for about 2-3 months now and for more than half of that time, i've been using Classic Shell for my start menu