
I guess it's bit and miss i've seen other users post this issue on Spotifys website. I'll see if anything can be done in Windows firewall that could block it.

My PC is hard wired and my Evo 3D is on the wifi for the same LAN and they won't see eachother. I even found this on Spotify's website. Makes no sense to me though. []

I have no choice, it's them or Time Warner.

What's even worse is if your computer is hardwired and not on wifi you can't even sync your device to your computer. Grr if only Google Music let me pay a monthly for streaming as well.

This is what I'm wondering. It makes no sense

yeah AT&T's uverse overage seems to be the most fair of all the bandwidth caps overages out there. I'd rather have no cap, but being able to pay for excess use is better than being cut off for a year.

I got the Panasonic G3 it has an electronic viewfinder built in. No GPS, but you can solve the rest of what you want with it.

I use mine too, but a Mr. Anderson has it now.

SD cards do make rooting a lot easier though, but I'm all for more on board memory. With the Evo 3D the 1gb of onboard is plenty for me and my apps. I have a 32gb class 10 for the media, app storage and extras though.

What cloud stuff has apple had before google and microsoft? Anyway I just see Google more pushing on board memory, it's faster they don't have to worry about it being removed, and people will stop being had by fake memory

Yeah I know what you mean. On my 06 charger there was a transmission update out that tightened up the shifting and made it a lot more fun to drive. Sure if it was a stick I wouldn't have to worry about that, but let's face it manual will never become the standard in the US. I'm also able to make tuning changes on

I love Logitech period. I had the G5, which was the MX518 with a laser and optional weights. It was a great mouse. I'm using a G700 right now which I love, mainly because I think the MX revolution was one of the best shaped mice Logitech ever made (of course that's only true if you're right handed), and the G700 uses

It probably is like Honeycomb in that you have on screen home, back, and menu controls. In honeycomb any android app that uses the menu button has it on the screen on the same bar as the home button.

That's like saying to Eibert and Roeper, "if you don't like this movie why did you even bother telling us it sucks".

I played through the game on my PC with the 360 controlled and it was setup very well even the menus. I only used the mouse wheel to scroll through long inventory lists.

It's completely optional in this game. Plus if you've read the actual books, and stories about Geralt you would know his witcher stamina and time with the ladies is definitely a part about who he is. I guess they could have implied it instead, but scenes like this can actually influence some pretty major decisions

I didn't think you could get rid of it before Act 2.

Because when the Japanese want a game to have sex, they just make a game that is only about sex. They can't sell that at our local gamestops so we have to sneak it into regular games.

Dialogue in the video hints at some parts of the story, and characters you may not know exist or why the other guys think it was that character.

I'd still feel more secure using toggle bolts instead. But I would take a molly bolt over a drywall anchor as well. Why trust the shredded powder of the drywall to hold your tv when you can use the backing and the whole thickness of the drywall to hold it.