Came here to post this, was not disappoint.
Came here to post this, was not disappoint.
Did I hear someone say “Heaven’s Gate”?
Imho, the only valid reason to do so. Nowadays the game is more like a cinematic super Mario where everything is just one click away and there isn’t any incentive to do anything except watch the cinematics. What happened to people actively experiencing a proper cRPG?
“As Marshall McLuhan long ago observed, television conditions us to respond passively, it does not challenge us to think ..... the masses of viewers who were unable to do that were left watching padded humanoids clanking heads.”
Oh dear. And instead of this ALARMING the nation, it angered the critics (and arguably the…
“....I mean, it’s not like he can just tweet out something defiant, quit his job, and knock over some furniture on the way out to find a new gig, right?”
Of course no. The droid will march in, with full Imperial March in the background and then give the order for full extermination of everything good in the galaxy.
Well, uncle Dave has penned some great music here and there and arguably some ok lyrics... but, all the English melancholy and all the deeper more transforming words are missing. You don’t get to become a better person when listening to non-Waters Floyd, simple as that.
But, damnit, when his fingers pluck the…
Well, uncle Dave has penned some great music here and there and arguably some ok lyrics... but, all the English…
Yeah but no other shooter has the Blizzard spit and polish and great characters and backstories and all that that makes Blizzard games stand out.
Well. From the standpoint of someone who still considers DooM (1 & 2, not nuDoom) the pinnacle of FPSes and UT2k4 and Q3 Arena as the pinnacle of multiplayer shooters, finally I see why I kept on being a Blizzard fanboy and bought OW although I hated the premise... They saw the light. Finally.
Well, I ‘ve read it - and it was a guilty pleasure, at least perhaps due to the novelty. But this deconstruction of yours... well. Makes one think.
But... but... why is everyone in the comments and whatnot acting so shocked? Religion is all about oppression and power through early-age catechisms and mental shaping and manipulation. The soup kitchens and orphanages and whatnot are just byproducts.
Thing is though that the only way to abolish this imposed tyranny…
Amen to that. From one engineer to another, it was a job well done. Too bad he can’t preemptively ready himself for his eventual demise when the AIs will not need him :)
In other words, sc2 was influenced by sc1 (or whatever design principles blizzard is onto these days which homogenise the look of their games) instead of ripping of chunks of atmosphere and feeling from warhammer as they originally intended back in the day.
Even worse, he ptrobably hasn’t even heard of Savatage. O tempora, o mores!
What would be real interesting is how to change the settings (if possible) so that when you click on the lock screen picture details on the corners of the screen, when your computer unlocks it doesn’t use Edge and Bing but instead Chrome and Google, to search for the same stuff and bring back images of said subject…
I loved and always loved the Lawful Evils. The good Lawful Evils that is. The LEs that will build hospitals (to get their own agendas), the LEs that stop plagues and heal the sick and build schools and purge the rampant evils and yes, save the maiden, because they always have an ulterior motive, the manipulators, the…
Starred for mentioning the right Gianna.
Starred for mentioning the Council of Nicaea, star taken back for assuming that this fateful moment wasn’t catalytic in the way the Legions perceived the Thousand Sons and their librarians, which in turn helped said factions to feel alienated and finally side with the traitors, because, as usual, the road to hell is…
Herpity derp, what are you people taught in English classes in school if you ‘re not being taught the anatomy of the language itself? oO
Comeon now, the privileged elites in N. Korea have access to all the comforts of Western products, be them tech nature or other. Heck, they even have Dennis Rodman. Your idea cannot fly.