
I want to know how it got to this point. Really, no one at Scholastic thought, ‘maybe this might not be the best idea’???

Ok, so my husband is from the above mentioned Whitesboro, NY. When we saw the pilot episode of Parks and Rec, all those years ago, he was like, “Hmmm, looks familiar.”

You know it’s bad when Alan “I tell all the inappropriate jokes” Cumming is distressed.

Isn’t this the case with almost all outlet stores at this point? When there were a lot less outlet locations, you’d find last season’s clothing and items with small defects. Now most just make stuff directly for the outlet. BR/Gap literally put 3 diamonds under their logo on the tags of clothes made specifically for

Oh, step on a rusty nail, haters. This is clearly a parody of the absurdity of the fashion world these days and not transphobic at all. I don’t even think he is supposed to be transgender in the first place. I think he’s supposed to be alien-like. Which is also a joke on how people have compared Cumberbatch’s

Remember when we were all still rooting for Lindsay? Yeah, I'm glad that's over.

Dear Entire Town of Dearborn, Kansas,

dean mcDermott, dermot mulroney, and dylan mcDermott all need to change their fucking names so america stops being scared and confused

I guess I appreciate Adele’s voice, but to me a real singer has to be able to dance too

Blue gives her a run for her money.

Most American Jews aren’t like this, but thanks :/

“we cannot allow items on campus that can be perceived to pose a threat.”

This is what’s wrong with America right here. This. Not Bristol Palin herself, but what she represents — the fact that so many stunningly, proudly pig-ignorant, determinedly undereducated, information-resistant people think they know enough about anything to tell others how they should think and behave.

Speaking of TMZ, and to everyone who celebrates. L’Shana Tova

I don’t even think you have to be a religious Jew to find their policy on Israel disgusting. I’m a secular Jew and an American Israeli, and everything about the right’s attitude towards Israel disgusts me. They’ve managed to turn an entire country full of actual human beings who have to deal with conflict and war on a

As the wife-of-a-Jew (WOAJ), I’m offended she’s wearing a Star of David necklace. Gross. Gross. We get it, you ~~looove~~ Israel.

Yes, but they are Christians, which means they are victims and anyone who doesn’t agree with them is a bully who is persecuting them.

It’s amazing how incest and the molestation of FIVE girls was no problem, but adultery, THIS is where they draw the line.

Now playing

I only watched it because it was part of the “TGIF” block with Family Matters and my all-time favorite: