Why does this need to be private? I wish that I had known that it was so common when I miscarried, saying that we should wait or that it’s private or shouldn’t be talked about it why so many people end up blindsided when it happens.
Why does this need to be private? I wish that I had known that it was so common when I miscarried, saying that we should wait or that it’s private or shouldn’t be talked about it why so many people end up blindsided when it happens.
I call this “The Great Pooping Stand Off.” I hate it when I’m trying to wait out someone who seems to be trying to wait me out. It’s like Thunderdome. But with pooping.
I was just thinking there was a Voldemort joke in this somewhere. “He who talks out of his butt” (yours is better)
some time in the mid-90s I fell out of my bunk bed and hit my head. My parents took me to the ER, and the doctors asked me various questions to determine my mental status. One of them was “Who’s in charge at the White House?” I deadpanned “Hillary” and had the whole ER laughing. I was seven or eight.
The suggestion that Hillary was actually running the White House in the 90s is the first thing that’s made me want to vote for her. That was a good fucking decade.
The fact that there are people who are supporting this man’s effort to become president, the same man who supported a pedophile who STUCK HIS FINGERS IN HIS 4 YEAR OLD SISTERS VAGINA, shows just how fucking broken this country is. And i’m sorry if anyone was offended by that language but this needs to be put out there…
my dad called me last night.
I’m so in love with your President. I wish I could be around 100 yrs from now to see how he’s revered - AND HE WILL BE REVERED - in history.
Hillary Clinton was in the carriage in front of me on the Acela into NYC the other night. I missed seeing her (but I did see her security detail!), but I definitely got a contact high.
Yes in the big Dianne Sawyer interview she stated that very clearly.
I have a secret to admit.
In 11 days, my family is going to drop me off for a week long trip. After 17 years of marriage and 2 kids, I cannot believe that I am going to be alone for that long. I don’t have to worry about what anyone else wants to eat, who needs to pee, kids picking at each other, etc. It is going to be a vacation from my whole…
Speaking as someone who has been married for 15 years and has two kids, let me just say that traveling to a beautiful vacation spot where I can stare off into space for a week sounds like fucking bliss I say, bliss!
That picture of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner seems so intrusive and creepy given that they were on a relatively private resort. I am an old...I remember when People was the “classy” celebrity magazine, and now it is just trash.
Is this a serious response? Are you seriously going to tell me that you posted this with the language as written, to Jezebel, and that the message is NOT “hooray for the continued existence of a place for women only!”
Any student would have to be out of their mind to return here. The world and job market is competitive enough, and things like paying off student loans hard enough without knowing if the institution you’re putting your faith in to help you work towards a successful future is going to disappear on a year-to-year basis.
I work in college admissions. Yes, these questions are asked but there is no way to prevent them from lying on their application. Background checks are not given for each application.