
Awesome. So the cocksuckers that moved into an area WITH AN ACTIVE RACETRACK bitched to the county about noise to the point that they’re essentially going to put the track out of business.

When did Lambos become heavy and slow?

If I were him, because of the fines, I’d rid myself of it and find the largest, ugliest rusted busted piece of shit car I could find and park it there until I died. Problem with our society today is everyone is nosey and are habitually offended by nothing.

A lot students on track tend to be reactionary. They don’t start counter steering until they feel the car’s rear end moving. This often ends in a spin even if you think you are prepared for it. When driving extremely fast like that guy, you can’t be reactionary. You have to be driving in front of the car so to speak.

Dumb. Why is faster required for a truck again?

These are just going to CRUSH the potholes on I-10 between Katy and Houston, where most of them will spend their entire lives.

If you can damage the hood on a consumer grade vehicle merely by opening it, something is very german with the design.

Guess I made a good choice then. We agree on all points. All I want to do is drive it more...but these things called work and sleep keep getting in the way.

Standing in a hospital room, the Kia Soul ends a phone call, and with a smirk looks down and crosses, "Nissan Cube" off of a list, closes its notebook, and places it in the pocket of its glittery parachute pants. Then, slowly, grabs a pillow and begins reaching towards the unconscious, weak, bedridden body of the

Gran Torino GT

I think it will be mentioned fondly in comparison to how Respawn has "sold out" inevitably by that time with Titanfall 6: Rebirth.

A VERY long time ago, 8 year old me met him at my first convention, and was completely awestruck. He took my dad and I to lunch because he was just taking his break, and wanted to talk to his "biggest fan". Still to this day one of my best memories ever.

I believe the correct joke is, "Why doesn't Texas fall into the Gulf of Mexico? Because Oklahoma sucks!"

Some on here are aware of my irrational dislike of the Mustang, but as Mr Torchinsky showed: It will work

Bender: "Oooh yeah baby, show me the good stuff..."

"Get John Mueller out of rehab and pay him $15,000 to make assloads of his badass brisket and beans.

Zee color temperature of zee lights must be precisely 5100 degeres Kelvin. Zee table clothz must be of zee finest white linen. Zee edges must be square. Vee must play music; zis music must be hip unt cool. Zee hipness to cool ratio must be between 1.7:1. Also, zee Tvitter is imperative. Vee must recieve at least 32

If only there was a way to get the internet onto a desk...

I'm not your Friend, Pal!