
Yeah, I think he's had more face time in the comic than he ever did in the games.

I'd buy it.

Yeah, I had Sprint years ago. When you were covered, they were awesome, but it was difficult to stay in their not so coverage area.

WHOA! How about a NSFW tag! I can't have hot girl on girl cow action at work!

Really? AT&T re-negged on the grandfather clause?? I've been deployed for the last 9 months in Afghanistan and have my phone on military suspend. If they aren't going to honor my original unlimited plan, they may have just lost a customer.

Me too, then I thought about putting the clip from Futurama about renaming the planet, but Google search failed me.

Actually, no, I didn't, I'm kinda under a rock out here in Afghanistan, but I think I found humor in 2D sprites in 3D. Been a long day...

Add me to the list of happy customers. I have a 24in Sony Google TV and even with my crummy ass connection here in Afghanistan, I was able to stream YouTube videos better than on my laptop (Google Voodoo, I guess). The most recent update has definitely improved the android side of the experience. Not to mention

Thanks for this, I loved this game as a wee child.

I'm trying for something similar with Sonic the Hedgehog... Why are you laughing??

Agreed, a friend of mine sent me a bunch of different flavors in a care package a few months back reminding me how bland just having chocolate is. The variety of candy and treats in Japan was one of my favorite things about the country... plus how often can you get Kit-Kats out of a Coke machine?

I actually LOLed at Paper Mario 3D... perhaps I need professional help.

Well, as always the first party games on any Nintendo system are excellent. I would say if you can pick up a cheap Wii, then yes regardless of your plans to buy a Wii U. Buy the Zelda games now at retail at a reasonable price before they get retarded expensive on eBay as usual. Seriously, i just dropped 24 bucks on

Agreed, the Dragonball Figures look great... I'm guessing $100-plus each... shame.

Seems more like a companion app at that price. Sure you can do all the office stuff on it, but unless you have a keyboard dock, how much word processing are you honestly going to do on it? I think they are banking on you still buying the PC/Mac version as well. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if it comes free with

OOooh, I hate that. I fall for the marketing too. I always end up buying 50 dollar cards for 10 buck purchases. I see all that extra money sitting in the account and next thing I know I have to charge my wallet again.

Other than being soldered to the motherboard, how would cost be higher?

Agreed. I'm coming into problems with that sort of thing with older shows and movies. In some cases the studio that released it is no longer in business, so what then? Looking at you, rotting corpse of ADV Films.

True, if you were able to snag a Wii there for awhile, it was like a license to print money on eBay...

I'm a big fan of cable.