
Agreed. Even 2GB seems way too low. RAM is cheap, they should at least pony up for 8GB since apparently consoles are sticking around way longer than they used to.

Meh save some dough and just get the whole HD collection. The price can only go down with the physical copy as time goes on... download from PSN... well that may take awhile.

Hows Top Gear America doing? I've only seen the episode where they went to Alaska with old American trucks. It was OK, but original Top Gear it wasn't. Apparently this week they are putting modern American Muscle up against the old school. It's not exactly original, but any time they put the big three's pony cars

If they do I hope they retain the buttons somewhere. The home button, even if it is somehow becoming antiquated, is still like a safety net in my opinion. It's a quick way to get back to your home screen no matter what, and if even that doesn't work, you know something seriously wrong has happened to your phone.

I take it that it is rather frustrating. Either way, as a modern Bullitt owner, I guess I need to pick this game up.

Yep, a little piece of childhood ruined.

Humm, should have read the article first, it answers my quandary.

Humm, I wonder if there will be issues without TRIM management. I don't know if the average person would ever use the harddrive enough to run into this, but I seriously doubt that the PS3 OS has any sort of SSD management built in.

Sonic's world wouldn't be so bad if you were Robotnik or if you're one of those "anatomically incorrect talking animals" you spoke of... it's that scary middle ground of being a regular animal (read robot battery) or worthless resident of Station Square/Soleanna.

And the 360 is pretty much considered a failure there, people just weren't interested. I remember a few years back going to a video game store over there and the 360 had like one side of an isle, while the PS3 had two full isles, and the PS2 had like 4.

Well, it's only rice paper...

I wasn't expecting the costumes to be so form fitting...

Where is the promote button when you need it?

I realized this while living there. Even cheap crappy furniture is expensive. So yeah, everything is expensive in Japan, guess nothing new there.

Look at all those happy faces!! They're wearing the shirts, it must be true!

I take it the Mustang from Bullitt is in it, or is it absent leading to a travesty in gaming?

Stupid question. You say it isn't "burdened by the heaviness of uncharted 3" but does it feel like a console game, or like a watered down equivalent?

Yeah, modern online play pretty much killed (no pun intended) FPS for me, at least in that realm. Playing with a few buddies locally on the couch is still fun, but I can only get owned by some foul mouth 10 year old so many times before I'm just sick of it.

Lasted much longer than I did. Played the thing for about two weeks and just put it down. I'm guessing my hours in were probably between 40 and 50. Never bothered to check.