
I really wish I could attend that Deus Ex panel. In particular I'm interested in the discussion over the incorporation of real world science into games as it is one of the things I think that really adds to immersion in games. It's the kind of topic I wish I could pick the brain of Takahashi Tetsuya on.

Looking for some uptempo jazz where there is a dominant saxophone part. Anyone have some good suggestions, modern or old school? All we have around here on the radio is smooth jazz, which is not quite what I'm looking for.

I wonder what kind of weird experiments they want to do, whether it is with the art or gameplay mechanics. Focusing just on the unique features of the PSV hardware vs say your average PC setup, the touchscreens and camera come to mind as the best(unique) things they can use. Maybe some multi-touch action? Or the

This just reminds me of the Cracked article on the trends in gaming.

Not a big deal to me. There is still HDMI for HD and composite for SD. Component was a terrible HD solution imo (picture never was of the same quality as HDMI, and you needed to plug in 5 damn cables). As for limited inputs to an HDTV, there are always switch boxes if your entertainment center setup makes it difficult

The eBay cash? No. That's inflated for rarity. Looks to be a rather short game (in the 5-7 hour range). But if you can get a hold of the game by some other means it is an interesting little ball of entertainment.

Just finished SMT: Strange Journey going down the chaos path. Youtube is good enough for me to fill out the neutral and law paths (too much work involved to see everything in the game). As a reward for making it through the game I am playing some Tail Concerto I finally got my hands on. It will be a nice way of

I think everyone has done that in their mind. Having never heard of the guy before, I know that's how I pronounced his name in my head while reading it.

Cue the golf clap, that was brilliant!

To play a little devil's advocate, you could make that archetypal character argument for just about every game that came out then and now. Even in games where the player somewhat defines a character (like Shepard in Mass Effect) that character will almost certainly fall into some archetype. I don't really see that as

That's not quite what Carmack is saying. He never makes the case that cell phones/tablets are killing console gaming. All he has said is the growth is running parallel to console sales growth and that the power of mobile devices is escalating at a fast pace. The threat to console gaming that he mentions is cloud

I actually didn't mind Grandia 3's story. At least the first part of it. Kind of reminded me The Sandlot or maybe closer to Fractale. What can I say, I'm a sucker for the old "wide-eyed youth out on an adventure" spiel.

To ask that question means you probably do not know what colorblindness means. I don't mean that as an attack. Most people that are not colorblind assume it means people see the world like dogs in black and white. Not true (except in extremely rare situations). As you probably know there are many shades of any color

Seriously, I think the Grandia series has the best battle system of any JRPG. It was almost good enough to carry that turd of a game Grandia Xtreme.

For turn-based (and some ATB) games the ones that immediately come to mind from my favorite list:

Is buying a second 4670 and using CrossFire out of the question? That would probably be the cheapest/most efficient solution.

Like the blurb says, 9-12% of men have some form of color blindness (people who have taken genetics know why) so it only makes sense. It's a shame red and green are color compliments and often used together, as red-green colorblindness is the most common form of colorblindness. Really though more games should be

You're welcome <('u'<) Truth be told, their older inventory is thinning out and their prices probably won't be the lowest. At the very least they are a good source to find the names of older titles, since they do not delete older games (even out of stock ones) like Gamestop does. Still wish there was a cheap,

When the places the others have mentioned lead to a dead end (ebay too), GameQuestDirect is the other site I use to find older games.

While shooter fatigue was one of the points of the article, 1UP's article was trying to see how well people could distinguish the visuals of the different shooters. It was an extension of a Cracked article about the current trends in gaming; one of which being an overload of shooters: []