
I know it's going to be hard road and one that will throw away years of incremental modification, but in the next generation they really REALLY need to ditch the Yukes Smackdown engine and animations and build a new wrestling game from the ground up.

Also the interesting thing about Naruto fighting games. It is the only fighting game where you can fight through the entire game to unlock all the characters. You do not see that anymore.

They should splash out and get Chris Hemsworth to provide his Aussie tones to the game. Would get them a recognisable name on the box too.

It's a mix of backlog and new games for me. I've been trying Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, and that's gonna take me a while to get through. Animal Crossing is a year-long affair. I'm definitely getting the new SMT...

I named all my little animal friends something based on their appearance. Names like squishyface and lemonEyes for example.

One time as I was walking through Boston, right out of South Station, near the Bank of America building, I commented to my friend that I thought it was structurally unsound, and that its top-heavy frame would make it very vulnerable to being exploded, then jokingly commenting that I wouldn't feel bad if there was no

Freedom of speech allows us to do so. The police state is again over stepping its bounds.

I literally did the exact same thing. I rage quit hard. Traded in two 360s and dozens of games. Best thing i could have done.

there are different ways to get my money.



That would be great, except a lot of stories aren't about video games per se. You get the occasional "Anita Sarkeesian made another awesome video skewering cis white males!" or "tales of horrible neckbeards gawking at or touching women at E3" that get people up in arms. If Kotaku only talked about video games, this

Okay? I honestly don't see why people give a shit. You like dudes? Ok. You used to be a woman? Cool. Your from Singapore? Dude I don't care. Shut up with your life story. I'm here to talk about vidja games!

Read the article Broski.