that idiot does. im a firm beliber that being a major ass clown and doucebag to women warrants you being raped in the mouth.
that idiot does. im a firm beliber that being a major ass clown and doucebag to women warrants you being raped in the mouth.
ive worked in a florida jail within the last 10 years. it does happen. yes i AM rooting for a teenage boy to be forcibly raped. that way he can experience a fraction of the pain and turmoil every one else in the world endures,
ive never wished for a prison ass rape more in my life.
ive worked with plenty of people who much,much worse than her. she is a bratty little white trash idiot who just doesnt care about anything or anyone. everything she does she does for attention,not because of mental health.
we just film the train wreck not stop it. i wouldnt say this idiot is mentally ill so much as immature and stupid.
Good. she is a horrible person and its truly a miracle that she did not reproduce.
Awesome. Now if i can just get a shot for shot remake of Schindlers List starring miley cyrus and peter dinklage my life will be complete.
I like where this is going.
OH! i get it. your being sarcastic! whew! i was confused there for a second.
dont quote me on this but im pretty sure they said they would not do that. which to me seems like a shame. theres no doubt im going to buy this game. but if i buy it new or used or even at release hasnt been made clear to me yet.
yeah, i think this might be it. im starting to feel the same about metal gear solid 5 and im a MASSIVE mgs fan. im fine not knowing every tiny detail but in both cases i feel like i know almost nothing about the game.
a gut feeling an from everything ive seen and heard from the game. so far im not impressed. all the previous games ive been bonkers about but this one seems the first to just be more of the same. ive gone from excited to Meh.
and as much as i love smash and dislike asscreed there really seems to be about as much work done on both games.
im not seeing anything new with the game. aside from a few tweaks and a couple of new characters it seems like they are taking things out.its a nintendo game so i know that it will at least be fun but im starting to doubt it will be up to the previous games standards of greatness.
it just.. i dunno. your right. i cant really find a concrete reason as to why but this game just seems...i dunno, bad? six months ago i was excited for and would have bought it day one. i was even thinking of picking up a wii u to play that version. now i just think ill wait for reviews and maybe pick up the 3ds…
im really starting to worry this game isnt going to be up to snuff. i cant put my finger on what exactly, things just
little do they know that they are a flash in the pan. just ask farmville and guitar hero.
the first applies to ALOT of gamers. its all fun and games. they are the BEST. but if you beat them? "THIS GAME IS BULLSHIT! WAS FUCKING LAG! I HAD SMOKE IN MY EYES!FUCK YOU! DOESNT COUNT! FIGHT ME ONE ON ONE!"
eh, just kill 'em all.