whats that saying? its better to keep your mouth shut and look like an idiot than it is to open your mouth and be proven to be one.
whats that saying? its better to keep your mouth shut and look like an idiot than it is to open your mouth and be proven to be one.
aint gonna lie. the books are not awful. they are incredibly poorly written and stupid and as cliched as you can get but they were readable. i think if it has been edited down to one book, maybe two, itd actually be alot better.
im always surprised when people talk about things they have no knowledge of. i actively avoid topics i know nothing about for fear of looking like an idiot. hell, i read the twilight books just so i could have a better argument about how awful and trashy they were.
i dont know the souce off the top of my head but im sure you could find it, but it said that nintendo has enough money to launch several failed consoles before they would be in money trouble. as for sony, didnt they sell a few million more consoles than microsoft did? im sure theyll be fine. if anybody is in trouble…
im literally DYING to play the persona games. but i cant find them anywhere that isnt super expensive. i had persona 3 on my vita before i sold it and ive thought about using my 20 dllrs PSN card on the ps2 version of persona 3 but seeing as how i technically own the game,just cant play it, i cant rationalize buying…
thats why i love them. there are a bunch of japanese games i see or hear about and i have zero hope of it coming state side. but if i hear Atlus has somthing to do with it, i get excited because i know chances are really good itll come out here. i mean christ, if we can get Catherine we can get anything!
i have mixed feelings about the story of gta5. its without a doubt the best in the series but there never really seemed like there was an overall narrative to it. it felt like i was watching season 3 of a seven season tv show and i hadnt seen anything before it or after it. the game just kinda started in the middle of…
any one know if this will see the light of day here in the states? Atlus seems really good about putting stuff out here but i dunno. this seems a little too weird for even persona fans.
ya know, ive been gaming since the mid 80s and youd think id have learned the lesson about never buying a game machine at launch but up until recently, the vita and wii u to be exact, i always did. time has shown again and again that it always takes atleast a year for a console to start getting games. there might be a…
glad we see eye to eye on alot of things. as much as i sing the praises of sony, they havnt done the one important thing as far as im concerned. give me a reason to buy a PS4. theres no doubt ill buy one. but im in no hurry. itll probably be a year or more before i buy one. everything about the ps4 seems golden but…
exactly! for me where this happens the most is with books. i will love and cherish a book but when i get to the last ten pages i just stop. its like i can just tell myself that they story isnt over, that everything is still there, just waiting for me to come back.
nothing. i loved the 360 from day one. i made excuses for paying for xbox live, the red ring of death, everything. i always had a counter argument to defend them. but then i started thinking more and more about all the bullshit they were doing and it just started to build. then came the xBone announcement and all the…
im like you i suppose. last gen i was a staunch 360 fanboy. it was sad. i defended them even though i knew i was wrong. but slowly i came to see the light. i love the 360. its a great console and i had thousands of hours of enjoyment with it. but i got burned bad and im never going back. so why come here? i dunno. i…
i honestly dont know why they make games like this. you simply cannot tell me that this game wasnt gonna be awful from jump street yet they still kept making it. theres no shame in admitting your making trash and just stop.
the reason they wont be in financial trouble is because they dont just focus on gaming. they could close up shop today and it wouldnt effect them that much. thats why they dont give a shit. they will just continue to abuse people until the money dries up and they will move on.
im excited for infinite when i get it from plus. i hope it carries me thorugh it and i dont wander away near the end.
you literally couldnt pay me to buy an xbone. but even if i was interested, microsoft doesnt have any exclusives that interest me. i know exclusives arent the be all end all of a console but for me, its allways the tipping point that sways me one way or another. the only exclusive they have that interests me in Gears…
i usually get around to finishing them. it just takes me awile. its funny, i usually end up finishing longer games than i do shorter games. tomb raider is incredibly short compared to FF13 but theres no doubt in my mind i will finish that.
i have a bad problem of finishing games. i never want stuff to end. im the same with tv shows. ill get all the way to the end and then just a few episodes left, or only a couple hours left in the game and i just stop.
well, when your running from zombies you want to have freedom of movement i guess.