thanks for the laugh
thanks for the laugh
I HAVE MILLIONZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats what gets me excited. is i think maybe Kojima had the idea for a hack and slash game and went to the best developer for it.maybe he has an idea for a squad based shooter and will talk to EPIC or somthing.
for me, the biggest surprise has been microsoft. aside from my ingrown Nintendo fanboyism from my youth, ive never considered myself a console fanboy. but i was close to being one for the 360.
EXACTLY. if you were to create a checklist for what you need to do to be the most evil person in the world, hitler not only checks every box but he fills in some of the answers
if we are talking soundtracks? hell yeah!!! overall? eh, im a HUGE MGS fan, like HUGE! and while i thought the game was great, i dunno if it was GOTY material. it was short, had some camera and control issues and got a bit repetitive. other than that, it was an easy 9/10!
im glad im not the only one who lets depressing games get to them. i LOVED fallout 3 but i just found the setting and story so utterly depressing at times it felt like a slog to get through. hell, im one of the biggest GTA fans in the world but GTA4 was so bleak i had to push myself just to finish it.
thats whats great about permadeath, i went into the game a FE noob. about half way through i said fuck it, restarted the whole thing, hardest difficultly,permadeath on! i havnt felt this alive since the old square days on ps1!!
while i will concede that last of us and bioshock may have better story and characters, nothing beats the sheer thrill of gta5. ive been gaming since i was a wee lad in the mid 80's and i cannot remember the last game that gave me giddy joy playing it. other games have complex characters, inventive gameplay or an…
i will gladly put fire emblem on my list of best games this year but for one tiny thing. the story. it was fun and serviceable but it was kinda bland and not told that well. comparing it to other contenders like GTA5 or SMT4 it falls flat in that department.
i wouldnt give him the satisfaction.
alright everybody. discussion over. shut the fuck up! we have a WINNER!
yeah but persona 1 and two take place in alternate versions of the same world with the same characters...i think. lol
no,was stupid auto correct. i got a tablet for xmas and im still trying to work the kinks out lol
ive allways been confused as to how catherine releates to the shin megami games. or that universe in general. i know some games take place in the same universe but others take place in parallel universes?
i think Hitler beats out all other because he wasnt just some crazy leader in some far away country. he was a guy who was killing millions of people,got his citizens to approve of it and picked a fight with the entire PLANET where his ultimate goal was to that every where and he almost did it (thats debatable). he may…
thats what i find fascinating about hitler and the nazi. as many people have pointed out, there are other people who have done more evil than hitler and the nazis but in this day and age, hitler and his nazis are synonymous with evil. if your looking for a bench mark of how evil or fucked up somthing is, you have to…
i find it fascinating that Hitler is the penultimate form of human evil. i really cant think of sombody else who embodies in all ways how horrible and terrifying humanity can be.
i love capcom. LOVE them! but i really dont think they can pull off a free to play game. its like hitler and charles manson teaming up. never a good thing.
i was trying to avoid this but i jumped online the other night to check out the snow and i randomly got 800 million dollars. its nice but it does take some of the fun out of the game.