
im really not too big on MMO's myself but ive allways loved the idea of a developer pulling a plug on their game but setting up to played single player.

people can say what they want but i love the idea of nintendo letting other developers make games from their stable franchises. it opens the doors to things that could be great. a Square developed star fox rpg, a platinum games developed metroid beat em up. the list goes on!

ive never understood either why they insist on numbering the online games. in 20 years the francise will feel incomplete because you can longer play 11 and 14.

what do you mean there are no jrps for the 3ds? pokemon x and y, fire emblem, shin megami tensei 4, project X zone, sould hackers, entrian odyssey. the list goes on. as for the wii u theres not as much but theres a start, wind waker, fire emblem X shine megami, X, and im sure theres a couple im forgetting.

Thats wascist!

Somtimes i just dont understand the internet...oh,

I dont think its that they are full of themselves so much as they just dont give a shit. While rockstar is making grand theft auto and bungie is making Destiny, they are too busy making mario games and bringing over new rpgs from japan. They dont have a big ego, they just dont care what everybody else is doing. They

True, if its one small thing it shouldnt matter. But if uts several tiny things then the review should reflect that.

a thousand times this. i play alot of games and enjoy the hell out of them but i cannot remember the last time i had so much FUN playing a game.

Grand Theft Auto 5.

the vita is an awesome little system. there are hundreds of classic ps1 games, hundreds of really awesome overlooked psp games and a steady flow of new vita games.

Exactly. Nintendo does what nintendo does best. Making nintendo games. If you buy one of their consoles expecting top notch new releases you will be disappointed. But if you buy it expecting classic mario and zelda games mixed in with epic rpgs and inventive and unique games, youll have a great time.

Back when i had my vita that was the first thing i got and played it all the way through. I regret getting rid of it now but at the time the inly thing i used it for was to play ps1 games and the odd psp game. It was awesome as hell having dozens of classic games literally in my pocket but i bought the system for new

I dont play minecraft on pc. Im just not a pc gamer. My significant other and i play it constantly on the xbox and will play it even more on the ps3. Being able to play it on the go is just another reason among many that i want to get a vita. Its not the only reason but its probly the tipping point where i break down

There are PLENTY of reasons i want a vita. Being able to play classic games like FF8,persona 3 as well as awesome looking games like soul sacrifice and persona 4. But i just love the idea of being able to carry around a fully functioning minecraft in my pocket. I have it on my ipod but the controls make it unplayable.

As ive allways said, sony, microsoft and everybody else are playing footbal. Nintendo is playing baseball. Theyre both playing games but two games so totally diffrent you cant compare them.

Id love to play mincraft on my 3ds. Over half the reason im considering picking up a vita is because of being able to play minecraft on it.

Exactly. I love the idea of episodic games but they need to be a bit more consistently released. I dont want to have to wait months for the next one. Especially since they can be finished in a hour or two.

The first season was my game of the year last year. But i think ill wait till all the eps are here before i dive in. Last season the wait was unbearable and they kept delaying them. If knew they were going to release them in a timely manner i might pick it up.