Doctor Suarez

Never use currency exchange rate figures to say “X spends more than Y”, it is meaningless. For example, the pay for a Chinese private is roughly $1,200 PER YEAR. The best estimate for total cost of each soldier in China is roughly $14,000 PER YEAR (cost of a US soldier is upwards of $500,000 PER YEAR). Does China

Ugh King’s Fall - it was fun, on the very, very rare occasion that it went smoothly, but it needed to basically start at Warpriest

If World’s First took just over two hours, then once the strategies get refined and perfected, I’d estimate regular runs of maybe 60 to 75 minutes. Not gonna lie, this has me excited to raid again.

To anyone wondering why that thing is so small: IT IS A TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATOR. It is no meant to see combat, ever. They will use it to test various concepts and use the findings to build a proper fighter. It’s in the same vein as those guys:

Looks like Maldonado on a warm up lap.



I think we all know where the designers and engineers got their concept from, and no it wasn't the GM EV1:

Came to post this!

About damn time.

Having one of these sigils on your car: