
If anything, the pendulum swung too far today. The initial suspension should have been for ~12 games. Now, because the NFL screwed it up initially and has to overcompensate, people are saying he should never play another down in the league. Maybe that's true, but for people who weren't saying that before (namely, the

It's in the CBA. It's in then the private business' enforcement policy.

Everyone is talking about how much and whether Goodell should suspend other people, but how about Goodell himself? He should not be above the kinda-sorta law. Between Rice, Irsay and Gordon, that's three horrifically bungled disciplinary matters in a row. The players and/or owners should band together and demand that

Notwithstanding the NFL's bungling of the situation thus far, they should actually be grateful this came out now. It gives them a second bite at the apple, and a chance to get the suspension right. I don't want to hear anything about the CBA and double jeopardy; Goodell is in God-mode, and can find a way to suspend

I wrote it the first time I took it in Ohio in 2008. That was back when I shared your concerns about the general iffy-ness about technology. I typed it this year (moved to CA). I can't imagine writing that shit. I couldn't complete either performance test typing. I wouldn't have gotten half that info down writing.

First, it's ridiculous the NFL tests for marijuana at all. It's less harmful than alcohol.

1. In fairness, the McManus piece was actually linked on the front page under the photo of Rice for most of the day, so even though it was "tucked away" on ESPNW it was arguably one of the 2-3 most prominent links on the mothership site all day.

Build it. Maybe if Barack Obama had a place to take huge roof hits again, would be working by now.

Ricky, I work at the Marijuana Policy Project. We did this billboard. Will you cut a PSA/ad with us?

There were 10 broken tackles there, at least. Everyone except the middle linebacker (who got held) got at least a hand on him.

...since Sam Wyche.

I'm with you. That should have been a homer.

You will not find a finer establishment to exchange cocaine for sex in all of Columbus.

This is a good comment...FOR ME TO POOP ON!!!!


If the deal was a "gesture of GEO's goodwill" for scholarship purposes, why is it pulling the "donation" now that the naming rights aren't part of it?

Sorry, you must have clicked the "Deadspin" link by mistake. You can find a link to Jezebel at the bottom of the page.

I could find heroin, it would just take me longer. If I were in the mood to shoot up a school, and guns were illegal, I could probably find a gun, but my mood might change by the time I do. Personally, I'd rather live in a world where no law abiding people own guns and very few criminals own guns than a world most law

Close though. See or Also, smart money says there will be an initiative there in 2014 similar to the ones in WA and CO last year.

Please tell me you guys went through 3-4 other headshots in order to find one of him in a Bengals jersey for a crime blotter story.