Dr. Headcrab

Buddy, if I wanted to personally attack you I’d call you a monster for advocating on behalf of a multi-million dollar company who violated the privacy of (and the law protecting) a minor because you want to “make an example of him”.


The poor, poor corporation.

Like I’ve said elsewhere, the site’s gonna get shut down. They have the legal grounds to do it and they’re entirely within their rights. I’ve got no qualms with anything related to the shutting down of an illegally-produced for-profit cheating system undermining the game.

The game makes money, it just doesn’t make it’s money from selling the game. They didn’t invest all this time and money to make a game they couldn’t make a profit off of, pal.

I’d love to see them try... but something tells me that it wouldn’t end up in their favor unless they bankrupted her in the process... and then that’d just make everyone look at them with the same kind of reprehensible scorn they usually reserve for EA.

The mom’s the only one in the right here.

The kid’s a punk asshole who may or may not be profiting off cheating if the folks claiming he’s one of the people who made the cheating tools... but he’s definitely a cheater, so hey, there’s that.

Epic Games is a fucking massive corporation trying to save face for how easy

Except in this case, the minor is being sued in a state where suing a minor IS NOT legal, nor is it legal for them to distribute his name or other personal information in the course of pursuing said lawsuit.

Yes, yes... let’s promote suing children on behalf of a billion-dollar industry because you’ve been fucked over by cheaters and have an axe to grind.

No. He’s the Dev-il. A small, but appreciable difference.

You know... cutting onions makes you cry... the manga is made of onion... hence it’s a tear-jerker.

The most pathetic of all rationalizations for letting games continue to be buggy piles of shit - “It’s in early access!” or “It’s getting a patch soon!”


I don’t internet as much as all the young folks. Is this what they call a shitpost?

Sure we can, because there’s no SANE universe in which it’s better to err on the side of guilt rather than innocence when the alleged victim denies any wrong was done to them.

Funny thing about witnesses... they’re NOTORIOUSLY unreliable. They’re the LEAST reliable of all forms of evidence, especially eyewitnesses who claim to have seen/heard something as it happened. The fact that they’re given any credibility at all is laughably stupid... and this is a PRIME example of why.

Ah, the ‘Defending people from themselves’ slant... because where have we ever seen such a concept go horribly, horribly awry?

Due to my limited amount of funding skewing my time/$$$ value judgment, for me it usually equals “Game I’m definitely going to watch someone play on YouTube”, but if money were no object I’d certainly own quite a collection of them by now.

We could almost create an ‘Adventure-lite’ category for them. Less puzzle solving and limited player interaction but a greater focus on atmospheric and environmental storytelling.

You’re not wrong. The meanings of words do evolve with the needs of a society, but that doesn’t mean that we have to sit by and accept it when they evolve in less-than-helpful ways. Net is short for network... but it also EVOKES the image of a net in order to create a mental image of the thing we’re attempting to