Dr. Headcrab

I enjoy them as well, which is why I tend to advocate for something a little more descriptive than just ‘game’... if only because I do so tire of seeing people shitting all over them because they went in expecting something else and felt cheated.

Yep. You’re correct. The way I typed that didn’t make it clear that end-state meant ‘success/fail’. I should have really given it a read-over before posting it. Nice catch on that.

I should have re-read that when I finished typing to make sure that it makes sense. The typical understanding of a “game” is having a ‘fail’ state and a ‘success’ state. Sure, there are games in which you can’t ever PERMANENTLY lose, but they still have a fail state in which set you back or delay your victory in some

When people refer to “Games”, the expectation is that they are referring to the primary, concrete definition of the word. A game has rules. It has goals, and at least one end-state. A game has some kind of challenge which the player is meant to overcome. Competitive games have goals which pit one player against the

You’re not WRONG regarding the fact that it comes down to a “trust us, we know” more often than not, but in this case there’s a BIG issue at the heart of this whole thing: Stream Sniping as a ban-able offense is questionable enough BEFORE you add in the fact that the game’s ONLY claim to fame is from the word of mouth

But they didn’t SAY “we checked and they were in the stream watching” anywhere in their explanation, they SAID “we don’t ban based on singular reports.”

This, here, is my stance.

A prohibition is just the act of formally forbidding something. It can happen on any scale. For instance:

“Steam isn’t suppressing or prohibiting, it’s just suppressing and prohibiting” is what you have just said, which is why you received an increasingly exasperated series of replies.

This is just another case of Valve wanting to have their cake and eat it too. They want the money games like this will bring in, and so they let them through with out doing due diligence to ensure there’s not a problem... then arbitrarily come back later once complaints have been made and bring down the hammer.

Except those 108 people who starred it, I suppose. Even anti-Trump as I am, god fucking dammit am I tired of everyone injecting their personal politics into literally every waking moment of life.

Modern roadways were not built for bikes, sorry. They were built for cars. Unless you live in a town where they haven’t updated the roads since the 1800's, you’re dealing with streets meant for motor vehicles.

I didn’t lump you in with anyone at all... I created a generalized group of individuals here on these sites who were all gung-ho cheering on the violence against some asshole with horrible opinions and said “I wonder whether you think the world is better off without these folks, too”.

I’d get my ass kicked by a LOT of annoyed friends and family over the course of whatever that time-span is, I’m sure... but you know... it’s cathartic sometimes to let that anger out.

Advocating? Did he advocate it? He was playing Devil’s Advocate, maybe, but certainly nothing in there said ‘Go Murder Cyclists!’

My guess is the crime he actually committed was being an ASSHOLE... the two men got into an altercation after all, and if there’s one thing I know about old men it’s that they tend to be prickly at the best of times. Getting hit by a car almost certainly only doubled it.

Motorists get TICKETS. Cyclists only get noticed by police when they’re smeared across the road. It’s a real problem that requires addressing.

In other news, Red Alert is taking a surprising amount of time to install despite being a game that came out so long ago.

The story is absurd, self-contradictory, and cares more about being fun and crazy than adhering to itself or any kind of continuity. That doesn’t make it anything less than a masterpiece... it just means that changing it for the sake of interesting new gameplay is absolutely within the keeping of the spirit of the

You... do realize that the ‘series lore’ in Red Alert is just about equally as important as the points are in Who’s Line is it Anyway, right?