Dr. Headcrab

Well, see... it’s kinda like this:

Even if I wasn’t aware of the fact that Anita is an opportunistic fraud piggybacking off of a cause I hold near and dear to my heart, criticizing people you disagree with is NOT harassment just because you’ve targeted them. Targeting people who behave badly and shining a spotlight on their bad behavior is how

I too have been waiting to buy GTA V until I could actually afford to do so. Not only does this make me NOT want to buy it, but it makes me decidedly uninterested in buying the next games as well, or anything associated with Take Two. Be as cynical as you like. Tell me my money doesn’t matter... alone, it doesn’t.

There’s actually a 13th myth which people refuse to simply muster up the courage to frankly demand an answer to, but as we all know 13 is an unlucky number and most are content to pretend that it never happened.

The thing about Clementine is that as a main character she’s excellent... but as a secondary character she just overshadows the rest of the cast in every respect. Established characters, as a general rule, will do that. One common tactic for avoiding this effect is by introducing the returning character much later

There are mods to make quest NPCs killable, and I use them all the time.

Why yes, with the exception of dying... because I use a mod which prevents me from dying (because immersive or not, the story just ENDS when you die and frankly... not EVERY battle should be to the death anyways. Sometimes being a hero means you only get incapacitated where others would die).

I once played a game of Alpha Centauri that went on for three REAL LIFE years... hundreds of hours all by ITSELF. If I’d turned around and said it wasn’t a good game after that, my opinion isn’t somehow invalidated by the fact that the game TAKES FOREVER to play. That logic is insane. The fact that we have people

I for one, as an advocate of all harpies, condemn those named Kratos who slaughter them so!

First rule of making money, Laserface. You’re never DONE making money. There’s always more money to be made, and if at any point you feel like you’ve got too much then you throw some of it at little people with problems that money can solve. Or sometimes you buy a gold-plated airplane and name it after your left

This is not cause for alarm.

You know what?

I don’t disagree with the context in which you’re using ‘mistake’ here being accurate. I’m just arguing that it’s only a mistake if the people MAKING the mistake actually believe it or care enough to acknowledge it.

So, here’s an interesting fact I will share here with you, since you chose to respond directly to my comment in order to make your point: I refuse to wave a banner declaring my allegience to any group or idea, despite having many things in common with them, because my experience and knowledge is entirely unique to me.

I do conflate the terms a bit sometimes, because they overlap so much, but I was trying to make a point that I suppose gets a little lost in there. So let me try again.

But it wasn’t a mistake, though.

The original “Tactics” is... really surprisingly very good. I thought I would hate it... and then I didn’t. I just was awful at it.

Holy shit that’s a good PSA...

It’s an INTEGRAL part of the story, in that one of the more impressive parts of the it is that he did this heroic and dangerous thing without a second thought, AND at the expense of a ridiculously expensive vehicle to boot.

As long as you understand that this makes you a violent criminal and accept that there are consequences for your taking this action, go right ahead.