
Nobody cares.

Imagine being so insecure that a fake woman holding a position of authority in a videogame made you uncomfortable. I'm not at all surprised that their celebacy is involuntary.

Went to a Subaru dealer once and the sales guy basically refused to even show me a 6-cylinder Outback. Dismissed the entire notion of wanting one immediately, saying “95% of the Outbacks we sell are the 4-cylinder”. Like no shit that’s all you sell if you won’t show the customer anything else.

I can’t be the only one who immediately thought “Prius Lady”

It’d be a whole different story and already on The Root if she wasn’t.

Nah, don’t want to pollute the atmosphere; just pump it straight into her car

I’ve often wonder why what’s considered one of the slowest cars on the road, and driven by what are supposed to be practical and progressive thinking people, are typically driven by jackwagons who can’t keep it under 85, or out of the left lane altogether. It’s like they are on quest to prove the car they bought isn’t

You are assuming she knew what she did was wrong. She didnt think what she did was wrong..... Perhaps a test that indicated whats wrong or right is a good way to let someone know the facts. 

I would say the big difference is how you regarded the officer.

Pro-tip: Come up with a witty insult about the officer’s waist size and penchant for doughnuts.  I guarantee they’ll be thrown entirely off guard by such a unique witticism.

I have to admit I have dragged flashing blue lights after me for a couple of miles because I don’t want to pull over on the shoulder of a freeway. The cops have been very understanding of my safety concerns once I explained to them why I didn’t pull over right away though and I have never been that much of an asshole

Tough, but fair.

Not if she was white. Then it will be about white privilege and arrogance. 

Honestly I’d be ok with 15 years as long as the test was country-wide the same and was a lot more rigorous.

She seems like a jackass, but I’m not altogether sure how that’s stop her from passing a driving test. 

This story will be on The Root tomorrow with a different spin...  something about how terrible police are. 

Judge: “I sentence you to be coal-rolled at every stoplight for six months.”

And this is precisely why we need driving tests (written and ride along) for EVERY motorist EVERY 5 years. Plan and simple.

“I will own your bank account. I will own your house.”

What a fucking surprise. I can feel the smugness from my office.