
Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill.

You knew what you were getting into when you signed up for this! Just because you’re unhappy with the results doesn’t mean you get to go against the entire organization! I think you’re forgetting the official time capsule pledge song, Kingsford!

“People cannot be trusted to look out for their own well-being in a large group situation”

Gosh you’re full of rules. Why should thrill-seeking spectators NOT be allowed to get close to the action? Because you say so? Please, pray tell, where are you getting these shoulds and musts and shouldn’ts and nevers from?

I have no problems with people resorting to name-calling and gross generalizations when it comes to someone whose failings are widely documented with more than enough proof to back them up. Is anyone perfect? No. But there’s something to be said for someone who’s making a living beating people up while also beating

I find this article very interesting, I can only assume Floyd Mayweather is not widely acknowledged and accepted by American boxing fans. I get that, his life outside the ring is laden with controversy and maybe a brashness that appears distasteful to most. I find his friendship with Justin Bieber the typification of

In case any of the victims of the crimes I committed to go to prison are reading this, allow me to apologize and assure you that I am not ignorant of the damage I caused. I've been robbed myself; I know it is scary. You could not have known how unwilling I was to hurt anyone and it pains me to think that I even scared

I'm sensitive to this whole "gamergate" thing, and I feel for Anita Sarkeesian for all the online harassment, but even so I have to wonder if this is legit. I mean she's an internet celebrity, for crying out loud. Radical politicians and religious nut-jobs say things way worse than whatever she's saying and they don't

Having dozens of children come across the table when I worked in pathology- I can tell you that every single one is given the utmost respect and kindness.

It just seemed wrong to not look at them—to toss them in like they never existed, like it was easier to pretend they were medical waste, hardly worth a second thought.

A long, long time avo my baby utero. Your excellent piece of writing made me cry, yet feel at peace with letting the hospital cremate her. After 32 years, I finally know what happened to her and I am at peace with it. Thank you for thus.

My god that was stunning writing - pure and evocative and heart wrenching.

this was excellent, harrowing, sad, and fascinating all at the same time- each little bit of it, from your experiences to the history to the description of mike and the security guard. thank you.

When Arkansas stops being racist as fuck, let me know. There's difference between not knowing local flora/fauna of any area of the globe and assuming all of black Africa is the same/unimportant/reduced to a couple stereotypes that reflect Western imagination and contribute to colonialism.

I'd like to see the people at Fox News try this. Although, I fear it would quickly devolve into some sort of Blackface.

This guy is timeless. He's still roaming this mall as it's most boring ghost.

When will Kinja allow us to give a post a black hole rather than a star?

I'm sure you'd be first in line to see the Atlanta False Equivalencies.

I have disagree with you: hate speech and racism contributes to the oppression and degradation of people of color, it dehumanizes them, and it allows others (whites) to say and do unfair, violent things to them.

No one's rights are going to be taken away, especially not white people, so you don't have to worry. I'm