
I’ve never played the first one since I didn’t have a Wii for very long. All I know is that it’s an action RPG which I like. Would anyone recomend this series for someone who never played one?

I like how you say you aren’t one of those PC snobs literally one sentence after you say you’ll never get a game as “bleeding edge” and “intelligent” as the Witcher 3 on the Switch.

Fuck yeah.

wtf is a drinking app?

trailblazer like its elders.

Dammit man, that’s what we do in Canada! Don’t take that from us D:

He’s also extremely angry at the people he’s killing at is out for revenge. He’s probably not mentally stable to begin with.

Could you like please take these nice, half dressed ladies somewhere else please? I would be grateful if I could start my own drug business here. Thanks so much for listening.

“What, you think you’re better than me? Fuckin’ robot with your computer brain and shit. Take THAT! And THAT! Who’s cryin’ now, huh? BOOP, BEEP, BOOP, BEEP. FUCK YOU!”

I could not be more in love with Harley Quinn in this trailer.

This is what people need to remember, not every movie has to be something elogant and thought provoking for every serious movie that makes you think what's so bad about a nonsensical movie that you can take your kids to and laugh.

I watched the trailer expecting to hate it [for a number of reasons], but this films looks fun.

I watched it. I didn't cringe. Thought the part at the end was kind of funny.

"genetic sexual attraction is normal" —- please don't say stuff like this. You follow this up a sentence or two later saying that you were an abuse victim. This is NOT normal, do NOT attempt to normalize your experience. This may be COMMON, but DON'T say it's normal. It is not ok.

I was a PI for six years most of the people I caught cheating stayed married even with the definitive proof of infidelity I obtained. It's a sad buisness and I'm glad I was mostly hands off with the clients my boss did the face to face stuff I just got to watch all the ugly stuff from a distance.

What we have here boys is a case of PC Master Race in the guise of a console gamer. Take off your sheep's clothing and don your Steamy milk white hair for us all to grovel before, covered in the glorious dirt from you shoes.

I quit reading your post 6 words in. Try harder random interweb person.

I wish someone told me this game was so addictive. I hate you all.