No worries I'm a huge self professed geek, that luckily has a 6yr old son and still gets to play with action figures without being looked down upon. Huge geek lol.
No worries I'm a huge self professed geek, that luckily has a 6yr old son and still gets to play with action figures without being looked down upon. Huge geek lol.
Your use of the word "retarded" and the overall insulting tone of your comment really speaks to the level of your maturity. Golf clap on you buddy. Sorry you can't take a joke I truly feel bad for people like you.
I have both of them so if I play online I can rank up faster? When I did play a few times I got the boot because I was low level. Should I just stick to the beginner rooms for now?
Ya hr 2 how do I get there? I'm up to the 4 star missions, thought I would have gotten to hr 2 when I cleared the three stars.
Savior I have out 25 hours into monster hunter and still haven't got to level 2, even went and bought it for my 3ds so I. Can play during my drill weekends. Loving monster hunter can not wait for the update next week.
That line of thinking is the only chance I have at being cool these days even my 7th grade daughter is embarrassed at my level of geekiness.
I agree just having fun brother
Lol I know I was just kidding im a huge geek
First monster hunter now im interested in this...Warcraft next??? Please someone talk me down...not ready for this level of geekiness...I'm still kinda cool.
I bet Marc sucks at mass murder and all three of those characters kill counts are dramatically higher than his.
Lol yup in jersey
Only excited because its batman and I get to have my super hero fix without having to put on my black sweatpants hoodie and black boots while fighting crime in Camden.
Would have been all over it
A lot these game companies would probably benefit from a no bloops option I'd love to play games like bioshock whine my 6yr old is around
Would be cool if they did away with the guns and just used all enhancements
a lot of critics seem to be comparing videogames to other forms of entertainment that aren't interactive. i don't agree with that trend i don't agree with most trends so ill gladly be left behind.
the series has sold millions of copies pretty sure a vast majority of the people who bought those games wouldn't have if they were all filled with shitty violence.
Exactly I can't remember if it was a big thing to complain about the violence in the first two games.
100% agree that nitpicking approach with anything popular seems to be happening a lot lately.
I know it's like all the complaints are about bioshock infinite being a bioshock game. bioshock always had shooting and violence so complaining about that stugg being in infinite is like people complaining theres too much jumping in a Mario game.