
There's no lack of activity on the PS3 version. Hell, I don't even have issues finding PvP or co-op on Demon's Souls.

He threw remotes at him.

You must not've seen a Microsoft commercial or advertisement for the past half-decade, if you think they don't take pop-shots at the competition. Microsoft makes frequent anti-Google and anti-Apple TV commercials, radio advertisements, YouTube videos, tweets, etc. Microsoft is far worse than Sony, in this regard. I

This, along with the $100 price difference, is my assumption as to the large difference in sales numbers.

Which tells us, factors of the console itself have just as much, or more, effect on sales numbers as exclusive titles do.

I did not say voice commands are pointless, nor did I say the PS4 streaming app is superior.

The streaming UI on PS4 is very clean and intuitive. The only aspect missing is filters. Just because someone has a camera, doesn't mean they will use it while streaming. Pointing out the hundreds of 0-1 viewer cameraless PS4 streams is pointless, as even if they all had active cameras, there would still be

Right; but we're discussing the Twitch app, specifically.

One of these features has previously been announced for a future update of the PS4 Twitch app. The only improvement this has over the PS4 app is the ability to watch non-exclusive streams.

Final Fantasy X-2.

I didn't say the game wasn't fantasy; I said the music wasn't.

I felt embarrassed playing X-2. X-2 was made for teeny boppers. Or the J-pop crowd in Japan. If you fit into this demographic, there's nothing wrong with it, but it's certainly not for me. The music is so out-of-place for an RPG; it destroys the immersion. It's not "fantasy" at all. Yuna becomes a Lara Croft

I agree. X had one of the most memorable cast of any game I've ever played.

I disagree, regarding X. Tidus, Yuna, Kimahri, Rikku, Wakka, Auron.. the whole gang is memorable.

PS3 updates can be scheduled to occur automatically while the system is in standby.

Erm.. those aren't equivalencies.

I recommend contacting a doctor regarding your abnormal bowel movements.

But why did it suck?

This kind of stuff is what "magic" has been for years.

It's not needed, but if someone says something to you and you don't respond, they may think you a shady individual and kill you out of insecurity.