
This evidence seems pretty damning:

Donald Trump was accused by the Justice Department in the 1970's of refusing to rent apartments in his developments to black people.

Nate Silver, ftw.

Hey man, if having $75 left means you paid your bills, you have shelter, and can be even remotely comfortable, you’re doing life right.

Eve Online is the best game I never want to play.

Wait, so if I don’t buy Raiders season tickets I’ll both save $200k and NOT get stabbed?

Ken Bone, the undisputed winner of last night’s debate

St. Louis, so you are right!

Dear Trump Apologists,

Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.

“Trumplogic” : “Please ignore these things that happened ten years ago, that’s not the person I am and I’m sorry. Instead, I implore you to focus on the things this person tangentially related to my opponent did twenty years ago, as it is 100% indicative of the character of an entirely different person.”

“That was ten years ago” works when you’re in your mid-20s talking about something you did when you were in middle school.

That’s a horrible proof of life video. He should totally be holding today’s newspaper.

The real mystery here isn’t how EA could make such a simple mistake, but how did Sunderland win their opening 3 games?

Ringer, I served with Grantland. I knew Grantland. Grantland was a friend of mine. Ringer, you’re no Grantland.

The man failed miserably selling gambling, football, and steak.

I’m not sure how helpful this is going to be. Canadians all look the same to me, with their beady little eyes and flappin’ heads full of lies.

he said crowd

Vagina Mutumbo

Heinicke tried to kick open the door and cut his foot while breaking through the glass pane on the door.