This trailer almost made me cry when I first saw it.
This trailer almost made me cry when I first saw it.
Nah. This one:
Roberto Cemente
I can see The Onion headline now.
Macaroni and Cheese still tastes as good as it did when I was five. Right out of the box too. None of that fancy shit.
As he and I went to the same school, University of Idaho, and the football team was whupped for years by the rival BSU Broncos, who are famous for wearing and playing on blue, this comment works on many levels.
Something he obviously took for Grant-ed
Please be more Civil in your comments.
Well, if he studied history, Shiloh would learn that fighting the men in blue is a losing battle.
Then you are dumb as fuck. Thanks for commenting.
Irony is accurately pointing out that something is incoherent while also managing to be incoherent. Well done.
How the hell do you confuse Bernie Ecclestone with Liam Neeson
The White Sox have been a rudderless ship ever since their great leader left, sad!
I’m always amused when Dilfer bloviates with Steve Young standing right there. Young always gives him this look like, “What in the fuck are you saying?”
Worst part about Dilfer is him thinking he’s some sort of QB guru, when he himself wasnt shit behind center. Your team cut you after you won the Superbowl. Enjoy your retirement fund and shut the fuck up
I’m more or less neutral on Jackson. He wasn’t awful, but he wasn’t amazing either. He didn’t make me turn my tv to ESPN, but he didn’t make me turn away, either.
But Dilfer though?
Listen, we can all enjoy Dicky jacking as many dongs as he wants, but deep down we know that shaft wouldn’t be worth a sack of balls against the Big Unit.