
For the SCOTUS? That would be AMAZING. She certainly has the credentials.

I’d be on board with this show. As long as there were long close-ups of Jake’s eyes. His beautiful eyes.

Cheers to that.

do you mean tossed salad?


Her tiny coat is gorgeous.

I feel like shit, the house is a mess, the kids have gone feral, my husband is away...may as well order some Chinese, haul out the wine, and watch these assholes.

Bobby did you hear that?????

I propose that images of Danny Devito replace all the KUWTK brood.

That box just made me so hungry

I’m really mad about some of the nonsense I’m reading in the above piece and the comments.

what do you do for contraception if you don’t know what you want?

There’s also something creepy about the subtle “accidental pregnancies may make some childfree-by-choicers someone embrace motherhood” message. Sure, it’s true for some, but overall, isn’t giving women as much control over what happens to their body as possible for the best?

A thousand times this. I’m super happy an accidental pregnancy turned out ok for a reasonably well-off white woman. For most of us, an accidental pregnancy would really fuck us over; physically, financially, and mentally.

Yeah I got a goldilocks vibe at the beginning, like “This birth control isn't effective enough, this birth control is TOO effective :("

This is reading really privilege-y to me. There are some who have the privilege of accidental pregnancies being okay, or even welcomed. If that’s you, then don’t get an IUD. No one is making women get IUDs if they don’t want them.

These discussions are always so focused on ourselves. Pregnancy by definition involves multiple people (a partner in reproduction who also consents to becoming a parent, a future child). Creating a whole new human being shouldn’t be a matter of “whoops”, and there’s no reason to be nostalgic about a time when it more

Not being “pumped full of vitamins”. This is not what real hospitals do. You can’t cure the flu with vitamins. Gah. Just like you can’t prevent it with vitamins.